GJoker -Bizzarre thing is... yeah, it does make sense! As some people know, I'm SAD.. that is I have Social Anxiety Disorder~ I don't like crowds and don't trust much of anybody as far as I can throw 'em~ I'm typically quiet and very aware of my surroundings and the people in said vacinity~ BUT, the weird thing is, with my job I deal with people all the time~ Once I'm in 'uniform' the SAD seems to go away~ I guess because I know I have a job to do and I'm representing the Company rather then myself...?I dunno if I can take it... But Revlis can take it... Does that make sense??? Or does that just sound bizzarre?
My point being.. Yeah, I can see how Revlis and the man that portrays Revlis can see things differently~ Look forward to seein ya in tomorrow...
I am like you.. never really thought much of it. I was an only child.. just figured that was the way I was.
a friend had me convinced I needed medications because I could never "relax" in a crowd, he said I was always "on edge"
Per his advice I went to a doctor, she prescribed me some crap and she told me not to take myself off of it..
A week later I took myself off of it and said fugged it, I hated the way I felt on it.
I am who I am. I actually like being quite and aware of my surroundings.. and so what if I am paranoid. it has served me well so far muah ha ha....
I wish I was closer people. I would go.. but being on the coast of California is a long way from Florida.
My thoughts will be with Steve, his family and friends and all of you that attend...