Radar Detectors

Escort 8500. Pretty good and I've been beating this thing across USA for years. Only problem is when I dropped it on a concrete floor... broke the internal speaker loose and they charged me $50. to fix it.
I also found that if you bolt the mount to the screen it does a lot better.  With the suction cups it bounces all over the place and actually bounces enough to smack the windscreen.  When i get home I can add some pics with it bolted, but I'm at work right now and that's the only pic I have here.
Yup, I bolted it through the screen as well. I used brass bolts.
Escort Passport x8500. If you look in the yellow circle you'll see the cleverly disguised mount.

I also use the ESCORT 8500, I bought it from a friend for $120. It paid for itself two days after I bought it. As said above the suction cups do not work well on the wind screen, however I use two different wind screens so I use industrial strength velcro. The velcro works very well. I mount it to the platform right behind the windscreen.
Passport 8500 here as well.. and I CAN say without a doubt it has saved me a few dollars in tickets. It has picked up a radar as far as 2.5 miles away (gotta love super flat south Florida roads
) and never less than .5 miles away, either way, plenty of time to slow down from mach 1

good luck with whatever you get.

Couple questions...

If a cop is just pulling the trigger on people he wants to get, wouldn't a detector pick up the little blips he is shooting out and give a reading? even if for just a second?

Also... what are the laws on using/having these items? I've heard it is legal to have but not to use? Does anyone have a quick release mount to pull it off in case of being pulled over, or for when your parking in public?
I have a ram mount for my V1, but I haven't tried it yet since It's been 4 degrees for the last 5 months that I've had it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Busas pretty slippery when It comes to radar as well.

All I have to say is, I have used my v1 in my Cobra for years, and I couldn't live with out the arrows.
Couple questions...

If a cop is just pulling the trigger on people he wants to get, wouldn't a detector pick up the little blips he is shooting out and give a reading?  even if for just a second?

Also... what are the laws on using/having these items?  I've heard it is legal to have but not to use?  Does anyone have a quick release mount to pull it off in case of being pulled over, or for when your parking in public?
Yes, you're right. You'll get very short warnings. Yes they are legal to own AND USE in all states except VA. Also they're a no no in Washington DC. Other than that you're good. And yes, the passport 8500 x50 has a quick release. Just push the button on the top of the detector and slide it off the mount. I was pulled over by a sled agent a couple times and he didn't do anything about it except inform me that not all cops use radar and that my detector was worthless. . . But he didn't give me a ticket cause he wasn't a traffic cop. All the cops that CAN hand me tickets, it saved me from. . .
I've tried a number of detectors over the years and used to think Passport/Escort was the best unit. However, after purchasing the ValentineOne (V1), I'd never go back. Hands down, it's the best of the best imho.
http://www.1stradardetectors.com/Laser-J....dex.php  has anyone used a jammer either on a car or bike

I have been using the older version of these jammers for 8 years on both my car & truck and they do work. If the radar is within 100ft they can get you but that is why you slow down once the detector starts going off. there is someone on the net that complains they dont work but just like everything else if you use it properly it does work.As far as the laser part of it I dont know but if you see a radar box on the side of the road you will see that it works.