Radar Detectors

That's funny the LEO sees mine everytime I get pulled for speeding and they never say anything!
what kind do you have? CAUSE I DON'T WANT THAT ONE.



That's funny the LEO sees mine everytime I get pulled for speeding and they never say anything!
what kind do you have? CAUSE I DON'T WANT THAT ONE.  
I have the Escort 8500 and honestly it works well for me! I've only been pulled over once since I got, and that was by another Busa owner who is a LEO. She was kinda upset she was'nt able to ride that night and I was.



My set up saved our group twice on friday. 9500i = $450 + HARD $165 kinda pricey but even 1 ticket could be more than that. Problem is when the LEO doesnt have the radar on til he see's you. "instant on' can break your b-llz.

I have mine velcro'd to a stem stand and for extra grip I usually have a strap or heavy rubber bands on it too.

Might PM KS-Waterbug and see if about prices on any of these.. he saved me a TON on my 9500i... no one online even got close and it was 2nd day delivery on top of all that... I am still in awe!! Thanks Sonny!
if anyone is lookin, I have a used 8500 with a hard unit Im lookin to sell. Would like to get 150 for the 8500 and 85 for the hard unit.


Ryders Connection
what is the "hard unit" ? (boy could that be taken the wrong way)

Also Sonny, any chance of a GB on a LIDAR unit?
9500i for me too... audio out, USB2 in, seems pretty solid..

I can not say it has saved me .10 in fines...

I get hits all the time but I do not spend my entire ride at over the speed limit..

as most any truck driver can tell you, by the time the thing goes off, all it has done is told you that you are getting a ticket in most cases...  I guess if you are going to say it saved you a ticket every time it goes off, I suppose it has saved me thousands  
 (BTW they are illegal in any commercial truck in any state)

LEO's know how to setup speed traps to catch people using detectors...

if you are the lead vehicle and the unit goes off, you are most often already tagged...  
Just nice to have a reminder to watch your speed....
I have had radar detecters in comercial vehicals for years. I can't say I have saved thousands in tickets but I pick up the radar way before I see the police. I have the 8500 X50 on the Busa, and I can say that it has saved me several tickets. I have had alerts as far away as two miles. And... sure enough, up the road there he was with a car pulled over.

I don't go around speeding all the time either, but my experience is that radar detecters are effective and they have definately saved me tickets both on the Busa and in several different commerical vehicles.
Oh Ok,, I did find those units for $59 that use hi intensity LED's... things are pretty high priced for what is in them (I have the schematic for them)

The $169 looks like robbery wow....

could mount the thing in the windscreen towards the top, that should keep in in line of sight pretty well.. but that hole "wired to the bike" thing is a real pain.. Seems like having to plug that thing in every time you get on the bike would get old really fast... or you would just not use it all the time..
could mount the thing in the windscreen towards the top, that should keep in in line of sight pretty well.. but that hole "wired to the bike" thing is a real pain..    Seems like having to plug that thing in every time you get on the bike would get old really fast... or you would just not use it all the time..
can you hook it up to the trick switch or is that still not any better
I have a 9500i with a "smart plug".. it plugs into a cigarette lighter.

The cigarette lighter will power off my aux power lead (BoostbySmith) and so will be switched with the ignition. I am going to mount the lighter plug off the top triple tree. The "alert" lights will mount either to the top of the detector or the top of the windscreen..

I also have a 12V "strobe" that I might see about connecting.. (working on getting a circuit board now) The PMR switch will be for the cruise unit and maybe some LED's or other dopey thing..

my hassle now is to make a bracket to mount the power outlet off the top triple clamp. at least the weather stinks for riding..
9500i for me too... audio out, USB2 in, seems pretty solid..

I can not say it has saved me .10 in fines...

I get hits all the time but I do not spend my entire ride at over the speed limit..

as most any truck driver can tell you, by the time the thing goes off, all it has done is told you that you are getting a ticket in most cases... I guess if you are going to say it saved you a ticket every time it goes off, I suppose it has saved me thousands
(BTW they are illegal in any commercial truck in any state)

LEO's know how to setup speed traps to catch people using detectors...

if you are the lead vehicle and the unit goes off, you are most often already tagged...
Just nice to have a reminder to watch your speed....
I have had radar detecters in comercial vehicals for years. I can't say I have saved thousands in tickets but I pick up the radar way before I see the police. I have the 8500 X50 on the Busa, and I can say that it has saved me several tickets. I have had alerts as far away as two miles. And... sure enough, up the road there he was with a car pulled over.

I don't go around speeding all the time either, but my experience is that radar detecters are effective and they have definately saved me tickets both on the Busa and in several different commerical vehicles.
Glad you can use one in your "commercial" vehicle..

I am sure there are plenty of drivers that use bird dogs... I ran over a million miles in 6 years and never had a ticket or used a detector..

Had enough sense to know when and where to pick up the pace.. besides a radio works a lot better than any radar detector..

Never really abused the law while driving and so really did not need one anyway.. Just part of being a professional driver.. Got enough headaches without having illegal electronics in a company truck anyway..

Most of the guys that run that hard just spend an extra hour or two in truckstops anyway..
whats a bird-dog?
sorry trucker lingo for Radar detector.. and on that note, NEVER call a driver "Good buddy" that is trucker lingo for "ghey guy" (no kid) you will hear them come unhinged...
always cracks me up to hear it on commercials.. big tough Dodge Ram commercial using "ghey" moniker on TV..
The V1 is a bit bigger, but it does tell you the direction of the alert. Kind of a nice feature, but I just couldn't justify the extra $200 just to know the direction.
By all means i'm not trying to brag or put down anyone else's choice in detection hardware (It's worth having something even if it saves you from one ticket). However i've had my Valentine 1 throughout this season and have lost count how many times it has saved me and how invaluable the Arrows, bogey counter (number of signals it's picking up) strength meter and individual signal display (x,k,ka band and L(aser) ) are compared to other detectors that have single displays. I'm also a firm believer that, while other detectors attanae are sensitive enough to seem to give 360 detection, the V1 is still superior in all around detection and range.

Two examples of how the V1 saved me where others would have failed. 1 when going through a busy nearby city one saturday when my ka band started going nuts. After coming over the bridge it looked like a cop lalapalooza. Police had people pulled over left and right writing tickets. With more alongside the road with state police as backup waiting for any other violaters (city has the main highway running right next to it so i guess they were ready for runners). I took it easy cruising through the main area. Signals on the V1 all pointed behind me with the bogey count going down as i got further away. Was coming up on a store that had a automatic door which kicked the k band off and Was about to speed up a bit until ka band bleeped over the k band with the arrow flashing to a new signal alert from behind. Looked in the mirror and sure enough I see a State police Blue crown vic that just pulled from the main intersection back there and was gaining ground quick on me. I kept to the speed limit and he followed right on my tail until we got out of town.

Another occasion was in the same area. Got on a 4 lane country road and was picking up speed when i noticed Ka band would pop up, shut off then pop up again with the arrow pointing behind me. I looked and could only see a dot on the road way behind me. Signal however didn't shut off but stayed on and got stronger as the dot in my mirror got closer. I kept it at the speed limit and after a minute i could make it out to be a suburban, a State boy suburban. He cruised on by me staring a hole through me all the while.

Could write a book of other occasions where the arrows, bogey counter, and multi-led display alerted me to police position among "weaker signals" like automatic door openers for stores, burgler alarms, and such when any other detector would have fallen short or make me secure the read was a false alarm and earn me a ticket later down the road. I've seen one competitors ad putting down the v1's arrows as pointing all over the place or giving false alerts. This is something called "Ghosting" and happens usually around a store or mall with automatic doors and the signals reflect off cars when the V1 is on "ALL" setting. It's most sensitive setting. What the comp's ad of course doesn't tell you is the v1 can be programed to be suitable in whatever areas you travel. Lower sensitivity to certain signals in city and full sensitivity on the highway with a push of the button. Other popular detectors are not immune from ghosting either. How well you can program their sensitivity depends on how you can combat it in whatever areas you travel.

My setup is pretty simple. V1 on a stem stand mount which has the detector right over the ignition key (Which isn't too hard to get too since there is some space). I can see the display quite well except on real sunny days but the detector is plenty loud enough for me to hear it's individual signal chirps unless i'm going above 90-100mph. Cops don't really need to gun you then to tell your being naughty. It's velcro that holds the detecor in place but i have a shoe string tied tight around it and hooked to my tankbag in case it fails which it hasn't. Sticks good and requires a good effort when pulling it off the stem stand to put into my tankbag. Someone mentioned it would be a pain to unplug and plug in all the time. Not so. Got the main plug in source velcro stuck at the top near the ignition key. I plug the telephone style cord into it, wrap the excess cord around the steering stem and plug it into the v1. Effortless to undue and put into my tankbag when i park somewhere. For wiring it in i used gregs euro wire harness which you can find here: http://www.boostbysmith.com/pb....er.html
One other thing (writin a book here
). Someone mentioned a radio does better then a detector. Well if it's a police scanner then yes as long as the officer announces who they've seen and/or want to intercept over the frequency you are hopefully tuned to. If it's cb radio I have to disagree. It's a human report of a police sighting. Cop changes position then the human alert has failed. If the trucker is a jerk then you could be getting a false alarm. And if the trucker doesn't see the officer whereas a detector would have picked up the officer using their technology then there is no alert to radio to everyone about. However A detector is only as good as it is able to pick up the officer using technology. Sometimes it can be too late, alot of times it's not. Even if it's instant on or laser and the detector picks up traces of the signal bouncing off other vehicles.

Thing is he hit the nail on the head stating it's better to have the common sense of where and when to pick up the pace and where not to. If your gonna speed, be aware of your area. Obviously you have less chance of police issue in a secluded less populated area as opposed to the main highway going through the city in the afternoon. Thing is that same highway could still be used if you do it early enough in the morning. And your secluded country backroad may have a sherriff or two roaming around if it's around the time people are coming home from work or school or weekend afternoon/early evening as opposed to 1pm on a weds afternoon. Timing is as crucial as location.

Also radar detectors are not a license to speed or a surefire way of seeing every cop out there. Many times as my V1 has saved me, common sense has worked better. If anything it's to be used to help you memorize where cops are on routes you usually take and at what times they seem to frequent the area and location. Mike Valentine kind of hinted it as a hobby of sorts in one of his product discriptions. Just to see what tech police are using and where they hide when using it. But yes they can still alert you of trouble just in time. Laser jammers (like the blinder) are nice but only buy you time. You'll want a system that you can shut off as soon as you slow down so the officer gets his reading. Otherwise even if they don't get a reading off you after successfully lasering everyone else, they'll probably still take after you and write a citation for whatever speed they suspected you of doing.