Radar mount

You don't need to drill, make some acrylic disc's about an inch diameter drill a hole in the centre big enough for a small metal thread bolt to go through
(the type with the countersunk head),
heat up the discs with a hot air gun and dome the disc over the head of the bolt, then glue them with commercial acrylic glue on the underside of your screen so that the radar brackets are held in place
bolt up the mount with the appropriate flat washer, spring washer and domed head nut

You could do this

check here

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Now what do you do if you have the following to mount?

Laser Jammer
Radar Detector
XM Satallite
3 LCD Screens 2 are mounted into Left and Right Inners,
Other 1 Is to be mounted in center front for
Forward & Reverse Views via toggle.

Cams(NOT CamCorder) Forward, Reverse, and LEFT/RIGHT
Blind Spots. (For use with LCD Screens as Mirrors)
1 LCD with Toggle for FORWARD or REVERSE VIEWS.

how do you mount all these withou gaudge obstruction???
Can't help ya with the screens, but the det, GPS and XM go on one of these:

Gadget Guy Mount

You'll need two Baseplate #1's and one Baseplate #2

The jammer, obviously the front X-mitter goes under the nose, the rear above or under your plate, or if you have the plate tucked, under your tail light. The brain for the jammer should fit in the tail section, at least my ZR3 one does.
Cool toys, radar and laser detectors only work if you have someone out being the rabbit otherwise no dectector is going to react quick enough, and save your money there are no jammers for any vehicles, just a lot of wasted money. I have friends here in WA who are cops and we did a little radar testing and they won every time, the stuff they have blows are toys away. There is a web site offering $10,000 to any company who can prove they can jam, no one has won the $10,000 yet. Great locations for the video cam.
Cool toys, radar and laser detectors only work if you have someone out being the rabbit otherwise no dectector is going to react quick enough, and save your money there are no jammers for any vehicles, just a lot of wasted money.[/QUOTE]

I've never used a jammer and can't address them, but... radar detection is not simply a matter of "detector reaction time". It is a cat-and-mouse game of tactics and equipment range/sensitivity. The top radar detectors available today are capable of finding radar signals at ranges far beyond the working range of radar units. Tactics work BOTH ways. The side utilizing the most effective situational tactics wins 98% of the encounters. The driver who simply hangs a radar detector in/on his vehicle and goes screaming along, oblivious to moment-to-moment tactical considerations, is easily busted.

The driver who understands the limitations of his equipment (and his opponent's equipment) and who employs timely counter-detection driving techniques, sails happily along without citations.

A state-of-the-art radar detector is like an AMEX card... I never leave home without it in my Dodge Hemi or my Hayabusa! I'm using my fourth high-end detector in ten years with zero tickets, through many, many radar traps. It's simple, I "see" them before they see me.

Believe as you wish. That's what makes the world go round but... beliefs and reality are often profoundly different things.  
Hmmm... that reminds me... I forgot to post about the time I got pulled over on the busa
Good news: I didn't get a ticket
Bad news: I coulda been KILLED
Story: I was on turnpike heading south... doing about 100mph and "gently" swerving through traffic (you know the feeling... when you're just kind of rocking from side to side). Anyways, as I pass a rather large pickup truck, I notice a Florida Highway Patrol Camaro Trooper... so I get on the brakes as hard and fast as possible and drop the speed to traffic speed. The trooper managed to get a glimpse of my on his mirror and decides to CUT ME OFF!!!! All I could think was WHAT THE F$#$! Anyways, I got in front of me and slowed down to a complete stop! This was in a contruction zone which had the emergency lanes barricaded, so turnpike only had two lanes. one which was flowing normally and the other in which I was sitting it at ZERO mph, with a cop in front of me... so basically, there was nothing between me and the oncomming traffic from behind... anyways, the cop yelled and screamed at me for a lil bit and ended with this "Ok, I'll let you go for now. BUT, if I see a red, ummm... (stops, thinks, and looks over the bike for a second) a red Yamaha running away from the cops, I'm comming to YOUR HOUSE!!!"
then he turned around got in his car and left.... left me standing IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY holding my halmet, drivers license, wallet, and bike registration and keys... needless to say I was scared shitless and threw everything under the hump as fast as possible and got out of the way of traffic! It was funny though, because I was more scared then, than when I do 180+mph
Cool toys, radar and laser detectors only work if you have someone out being the rabbit otherwise no dectector is going to react quick enough, and save your money there are no jammers for any vehicles, just a lot of wasted money. I have friends here in WA who are cops and we did a little radar testing and they won every time, the stuff they have blows are toys away
The latest Radar detectors do work
I can pick a mobile radar (in a cop car) at least 3km on a straight road, but it will also pickup around corners and over hills,
I have also picked up a signal when coming up behind a cop with his radar running about 1km away.

Multinover (side of the road slant radar)
you get between 100 to 200 metres warning

With my 8500 X50 I also have a ZR3 laser Jammer
I have no idea if the ZR3 works yet and I really don't want to be in a position to find out

Just because you have these countermeasures doesn't mean you ride around blissfully unaware of your surroundings, they are tools like anything else and still require you to use your brains, the truth is they DO give you an edge!,

One plus side never mentioned is that roadside work vehicles (in Western Australia at least) give off a radar signal (k band) which the detector picks up and warns you they are ahead
ie: around the next corner.
Be careful here in Washington they use mostly lasers, and they do not have them on until they aim them at you. 90% of the time it's to late when they pull the trigger your speed shows up on the screen almost instantly, speed of light. Good thing is they do not fill the paper work out correctly most of the time and you can go to court and get off bad thing is it cost you time. I here what you say and it comes down to doing things smartly and a little luck never hurts either.
Havoc, I just checked this site for the first time in several weeks and saw your post. Send me your email address and I'll send you a photo. It took less than a half-hour to do.

xeclapper@bellatlantic.net (drop the "x")
