Cool toys, radar and laser detectors only work if you have someone out being the rabbit otherwise no dectector is going to react quick enough, and save your money there are no jammers for any vehicles, just a lot of wasted money.[/QUOTE]
I've never used a jammer and can't address them, but... radar detection is not simply a matter of "detector reaction time". It is a cat-and-mouse game of
tactics and
equipment range/sensitivity. The top radar detectors available today are capable of finding radar signals at ranges
far beyond the working range of radar units. Tactics work BOTH ways. The side utilizing the most effective situational tactics wins 98% of the encounters. The driver who simply hangs a radar detector in/on his vehicle and goes screaming along, oblivious to moment-to-moment tactical considerations, is easily busted.
The driver who understands the limitations of his equipment (and his opponent's equipment) and who employs timely counter-detection driving techniques, sails happily along without citations.
A state-of-the-art radar detector is like an AMEX card... I never leave home without it in my Dodge Hemi or my Hayabusa! I'm using my fourth high-end detector in ten years with zero tickets, through many, many radar traps. It's simple, I "see" them before they see me.
Believe as you wish. That's what makes the world go round but... beliefs and reality are often profoundly different things.