Just a word of caution. Don't buy from shops that take down your card info! They write the information down and then put it in the computer for the sale after they hang up from you. Use a computer sales system, preferably something like PayPal. There are 2 big problems with this: First, you don't know who you are talking to and they might be a guy in the shop who has a massive gambling debt.... Second, you don't know what the guy taking your order does with the paper with all your information on it but it's a safe bet they don't cross plane shred it. This happened to me during my 10 year build, and I had the card cut off for a month and a half while they tracked the thieves.
It's interesting but thieves don't steal big money they steal little chunks. Most people have $2-3K max limits on their cards so if they over-charge them it will raise flags. They take $20-$50 for as long as they can. Most people don't even look at their statements. If they are married, they assume their spouse charged it if it'. $20 and don't even bother with it. They have a high likelihood of getting away with it (according to my bank).
Work with your cards fraud department. You can have them check any charge you can't identify. Never purchase online with a debit card and I recommend getting a card just for online purposes so if something happens it does not jack you up. Vigilance is the word here. Apparently there is a limit on how long they can track stuff so if you wait or realize it too late you might be stuck paying for it. Also, tell the fraud department before you buy something odd (not like a sex toy people! something out of your ordinary patterns). Remember the thieves are stealing the card's money, not yours - so they are glad to help. I now leave my toy card in off mode and turn it on online prior to buying and then I turn it off again.