Real quick, is the shoei rf-1000 a good helmet?

ive got one for sale a great deal on it in large

I love mine, and YES it stays down if your doing 165 + mph. Well it did at the Texas International Speedway anyhow
tounge.gif has some great prices on Shoei right now. Just bought one myself. Great helmet

Shoei is a great choice, but I don't think it will compare to the comfort and snugness of the Arai ... definitely try it on first if you're coming from an Arai.
I mean does the visor have a locking position when down? Can you lock it down or at least does it have a solid close position so that if your looking around @ 145mph the visor aint gonna rip open then off.
There is not a specific lock..but it stays closed.  Works great.

course I've only tested it to about 165 or so...
Yes there is a lock on mine little lever on the side where the quick release is ..

Shoei is a great choice, but I don't think it will compare to the comfort and snugness of the Arai ... definitely try it on first if you're coming from an Arai.
thanks, just curious what Arai you had and what Shoei you tried on?

I just cannot find an RF-1000 locally to try on ..but I know I am a Medium across the board.
Id be pretty disappointed if the RF-1000 was not real snug.

I gotta make up my mind soon but here is the helmet I am looking at , its an 06' and my price is like 40% off list.


It sure looks nice IMO
I have a size Medium 7/18 Arai Astral X helmet in the if anyone's interested..


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I've had mine for over a year now. It's a bit noisy, but the vis is great. The shields change really quick. The venting is great. My little lever for lifting the shield just a bit broke, so it doesn't lift now, but I can probably fix that for pretty cheap. It doesn't buffet at high speeds 170's - 180's, but any side wind will move your noggin a bit. All in all, it's been a great helmet.