Shoei Helmets worth the money?

My buddy bought an RF-1000 a few weeks ago and he loves it. He bought that to replace an RF-900

I bought an Arai Corsair Hayden Replica last year and it is great! Very quite, anti fog shield actually works and the ventilation is top notch. I also like the fact that i can take out all of the padding and wash or replace with different thickness.
Of course, the price was a totally different story. I guess you get what you pay for.

my .02
I bought a $129.00 Scorpion EXO-400.  The best fit, ventilation + antifog shield I ever had.  After I bought it I read about six reviews in different motorcycle magazines and they all gave it the best value for the money.  I'd buy it again.
Well said! $600 for a piece of molded plastic with foam padding--I don't think so.
Try on as many helmets as you can find. THe one that fits the best is the one to buy. Unfortunately, for me it was the X-11. Never did want to spend $500+ for a helmet. But, it is the most comfortable helmet I've ever had.
You got a line on any deals on the X11 man? I'm either getting an X11 or an Arai QII soon. Can't take this pressure point on my forehead much longer. It's very distracting...
I wear an X-11 Shoei...have for the last couple years. It's a great helmet, fits me well, nice and light too and well made. I don't find it to be all that quiet though. was like $ helmet I get....I'm going to try on more and probably get something for less money as long as it's comfortable and light. I like the Shoei a lot but don't know if I'll get another unless I get an insane deal.
I've noticed different brands seem to fit a little differently, go for a quality brand but remember: The better it fits your particular head the better it will protect you.
Its all about energy transfer/absorbtion. A snug fit around all parts of your skull will function better. An ill fitting helmet can kill.

At the end of the day, hopefully it will never be put to the test.

IN a nut shell. Fit is most important.
I just got that very helmet I love it replaced an hjc that was super loud and not very good at ventilation,tended to want to lift a little at speed too. the shoei had less weight way less noise an breathes nicely,no lift noticed either. $450 with chrome shield and tax.well worth the scratch IMHO.

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in a word, yes but then again others are great too.... fit is the primary concern and then noise/ventalation, etc. I invested about 350 in my helmet, I love it but am currently shopping for a new lid as this one is over 2yrs old now. I'll still wear this one but am going to find a newer model soon.... still looking for a shoei though
The Arai's are just too short in the face for me, Shoei seems to fit my mellon better but I'm also considering some of the others out there....just not enough dealers that stock a variety of lids to try out.
I have several helmets, three of which are Shoei's. An 800, 900, and now a 1000 which a board member was kind enough to give me a GREAT deal on. I like all of 'em, but the 1000 takes the cake. It is comfortable and the quietest of the bunch.
You got a line on any deals on the X11 man? I'm either getting an X11 or an Arai QII soon. Can't take this pressure point on my forehead much longer. It's very distracting...
I wear an X-11 Shoei...have for the last couple years. It's a great helmet, fits me well, nice and light too and well made. I don't find it to be all that quiet though. was like $ helmet I get....I'm going to try on more and probably get something for less money as long as it's comfortable and light. I like the Shoei a lot but don't know if I'll get another unless I get an insane deal.[/QUOTE]
You've no doubt heard this before... but what's your head worth?
I agree with the statement about spending more for better protection. I beleieve any helmet with DOT rating is as good as it can get. I used to have a KBC helmet and loved it... but time went by it felt alot looser. SO I ended up buying a 480.00 Arai helmet. It does fit a lot better better than KBC.. but it is much louder. Still woudl of rather spent 150.00 than 480 on a helmet.
I agree with the statement about spending more for better protection. I beleieve any helmet with DOT rating is as good as it can get. I used to have a KBC helmet and loved it... but time went by it felt alot looser. SO I ended up buying a 480.00 Arai helmet. It does fit a lot better better than KBC.. but it is much louder. Still woudl of rather spent 150.00 than 480 on a helmet.
Well, I'd rather spend $10... but my head is worth a lot more than that to me, so I spring for the higher end lids. The cheap ones are cheap for a reason folks. And yes, that includes Scorpion. Their discount isn't solely from "cutting out the middle man", I assure you...
I've got a Shoei X-9 and man it fits my head well. The helment before that didn't fit well at all. Try on different lids. You won't be happy if it doesn't fit your head.
Well, I'd rather spend $10... but my head is worth a lot more than that to me, so I spring for the higher end lids. The cheap ones are cheap for a reason folks. And yes, that includes Scorpion. Their discount isn't solely from "cutting out the middle man", I assure you...
I just don't get that line of reasoning..

the snell foundation was formed to make safer helmets... it's not like they have the "cheap helmet" test, and then the "higher end" helmet test..

Do you really think it costs any more to produce a Shoei than it does a KBC.. ?? Anything more than marginally?

Now here's what I'm thinking..

I figure helmets probably have atleast a 100% markup.. I just don't see them being that expensive to produce..

whatya got here.. some fiberglass, or plastic, some glue, styrofoam, and whatever kinda cloth you put on it..

not exactly high tech stuff here... most of them are made in countries with no minimum wage laws... like nike (estimated cost of a pair of nike is about $4.00)

I figure even the most expensive helmets all cost less than $100 to manufacture... the rest is profit, & advertising.

I say 100% because I know for a fact that GM marks up their parts 60%.. and they sell alot more product than ANY helmet maker.... lower demand means you gotta make more on each one to come out. .. I may be off.. but if I am I bet it's higher than 100%... With out speaking to a official helmet price control guy I'll never believe that even after you figure in design, graphics, fancy boxes, and big advertising campaigns that ANY helmet would cost more then $200 to put on a shelf for us to buy. .. and I really can see makers like AGV, HJC, or KBC having just as good a product (again maybe not as well a ventilation system) with alot less overhead.

as far as dismissing the article in motorcyclist...

having some theory, proof, or atleast thoughts on why.. other than selling magazines (if you've ever had to get anything printed you know that you aren't going to print a full color 100 page magazine with all those inserts for anything less than atleast $2 per issue.).. I dunno 'bout you.. but my subscription to motorcyclist, and cycle world cost me a combined $25 per year.... no big proffits there.. and thats not even taking into consideration paying the staff.. I'd bet my nut hairs that 90% of the real money comes from advertisers. Why else would they ad like 15 pages of nothing but small ads in the back of almost any mag you pick up? I believe most of those ads run somewhere between $1,000-$5,000 per ad.. per issue.. or I know the few I've checked with typically are in that range depending on how much circulation the mag has.

Just as an example on the printing thing.. I once had 35,000 copies of a 4 page full color flyer made.. that was on newspaper paper.. ya know.. the cheap stuff... just the printing was nearly a grand (ask me about having them inserted into a paper.. thats where they leave the vasoline at home)

that was simple piddly stuff... 300 dpi stuff..

magazines are printed in full process color at 600 dpi.. if you've ever messed with graphic design... doing those layouts they do... aren't cheap. and remember we're talking about 100 full color (mostly) 600 dpi pages on slightly heavier, and glossy finished paper... Ink isn't cheap.. paper isn't cheap.

Now.. after I sat here and wrote all that.. haha

I want a Shoei rf1000 badge helmet cuz it looks cooler than anything else I've seen lately...

or maybe a byrne xll shoei.. one or the other.. but i'll wait for the closeouts.