Rear Brake Line "Burn Marks"


Stop Looking!
Donating Member
Could it be the tire heating up? It's only on the plastic coating on the line,so prob no big deal,just never seen it happen be for.

more likely UV damage...

if you look under your hold-downs, it is probably a different color as well (no sunlight)
Dont think so,,,it's black or dark brown,"i know the photo sucks" no discolor any other places.
have you ever seen the rear window on a convertible that has been sun baked? (soft window) they turn brown/black, become brittle and then cave in..

You could have maybe picked up something on the tire and thrown it over there but I do not think "heat" is the problem.

Is why I thought if you look under the clamps, you might see that the cover is different than that on either side of the bracket.
Let me try and get a better pic.My 5 year old lost my good camera when i took him to see that over payed mouse in Fla last year,,,lol.
it looks like some kind of fuel/cleaner got on the line and discolored also might have been splashed on there by the rear tire like Mr Bogus said
have you used any solvents or cleaners on the rim? your "fuzzygraphs" are pretty hard to see but it looks like it might be just about where the sidewall of the tire would sling stuff

anyway, you may want to call the maker and see if there is a warranty on this.. this could be the beginning of the end for the sleeve. (I doubt it has any thing to do with the integrity of the part at this point)
The only thing im sure of is that its a burn mark,Could the wheel be slinging heat?I road my last tire hard.
Looks like this is no burn mark but discoloration. Like line was pulled back a couple of inches and that clamp with black rubber insert where that marked part previously was. Could it be the case?
could the tire have spun hot tar from the road surface on the line? i don't know if that would cause that kind of discoloration though
Vic,,it's turning to carbon,,,i'm no expert,,but im a Chef for 30 years and know heat,,lol. The line is only 4 mo old,,and since last pics,,more carbon on rt side now,,,Riding hard on Sat,,,will try and get better pic's.
move your line a little, maybe re rout it differently just to check it another part of it will do the same burning.
could the line have a pinhole and be letting brake fluid out underneath the plastic covering under really hard braking? would brake fluid react with the plastic line cover? can't tell from the pics if the discoloration is only on the outside of the plastic