rear brake pad installation

I have the factory manual and it doesn't show those 2 obnoxious clips running under the pins. When I pulled it apart to inspect the pads I

didn't notice how it was assembled because in was about 8 inches off the floor and I didn't have a mirror laying there. When those clips

dropped out I thought... interesting... hope I can find a picture of this. If it were not for the picture on post # 18 I still wouldn't know how

they go.
Old thread, but the gen I rear can be a pita if ur not careful LMBO. My first rest tire went to a 25 dollar guy who told me I needed new rear pads then provided to screw the pooch. I did it from then on and just took my time. Good info in this thread. I've got nearly 50 K on my gen ii BC I learned not to use the rear brake here LMBO
I read everything that is said here. But almost never comment. I will apologize for this reply as I make it. Normally I would just smile and delete this question. Finished the GSXR 1000 I drag race over the weekend. Came in from the garage a few minutes ago. Just finished putting rear brake pads on my 04 Busa. Did it with the caliper still in place. Took about 15 minutes... Sipping JD Honey all afternoon. Or I am sure I would not say what I am about to say... If you want to change your own pads. Either pay attention how things come apart. Or buy a service manual like most everyone else here did.... Not much more that can be said. Again I am sorry for being rude. Probably said more then I should have already. And I am sure I will hear about it. But questions like this show up here often. And I guess I think either pay attention and learn. Or bring it to a dealer... Like I said. Sipping JD all afternoon. Makes me be a little more honest then usual...

I realize this was talked about back in February but I thought I would put in my .02. I guess my thought is if we do not ask these kind of questions on here what else are we going to talk about? I mean, we are pretty good at talking about Politics and Religion (which I love by the way) but for me I like to read through threads like this where someone asks a question on a basic maintenance procedure and other guys jump in and give advice from experience. I don't even own a Gen 1 but read the whole thing anyway. This is exactly why I log on everyday.

That being said I have no problem that this annoys the quoted poster and I thought the way he addressed it was cool. Just wanted to put in my opinion on the matter.
Old thread, but the gen I rear can be a pita if ur not careful LMBO. My first rear tire went to a 25 dollar guy who told me I needed new rear pads then proceeded to screw the pooch. I did it from then on and just took my time. Good info in this thread. I've got nearly 50 K on my gen ii BC I learned not to use the rear brake here LMBO

Dayum auto correct :laugh: