rear sprocket change ???

thought this was a easy ?? to answer all these responses and NO 1 answered the ??
just wander off the topic and keep going really ??
wasnt asking what would you do
i figured it out thanx for the help NOT
Says joined in 06 but yet u haven't figured out the proper way to ask a question and the only 4 posts you've had are in this thread. If the chain is actually stretched all the way to the end of the adjusters because of wear then obviously the chain needs replacing as everyone said when going "off topic". If you are actually trying to just replace a sprocket to take up the slack of a worn chain then you definitely should not be touching a tool much less riding a bike, doing that is not just plain stupid but dangerous not only to the rider but anyone else that maybe around when that chain let's loose. Everyone was just trying to get an idea of what you were actually trying to do and let u know riding on a chain stretched that far is just ignorant. But since you've only had 4 posts in 14 years maybe if u make it thru u can make a 5th and post the aftermath of the chain letting loose :thumbsup:
Did he though? Or did him get hims feelers hurt and go away?
Maybe...we can't "Save Them All"
We've got an' awesome group here:
Builders,tuners,LSR,drag,NOS,All Motor,Twisties,Touring and ALL BLING POSERS like me. We have THE BEST, SMARTEST answers for everything.
We gave him the best advice to save his bike and his A$$.
I even gave him the worst idea,he seemed bent on a cheap fix,so I told him to cut the chain...maybe the safest way,to "cheap out." He is gonna run that chain anyway.
There are about 20 of us(lot's more here and there,NO disrespect to my Bro's) that answer qwik,answer most posts with the best advice we can offer on a daily basis.
I got 20 years on Busa....40 on bikes. Lets do some math.
Say 5 guys responded to him,say ten years each...that's conservative...
He turned his nose up at 50 years experience.
If he comes back,which I actually hope he does, ...maybe he had a bad...IDK. Great. If he can't get out of his diaper and put down the sippy cup...O'well.
I/we can be a bit over-the-top at times shall we say. But 99.99% of the time all members get treated well. Especially these days, I think.
2nd chances...I know what that's about...NOBODY has been banned more times than me. :D
I'm a much kinder and gentler Rubb these days.
He should have caught me years boyz.

He got "Hug's and Kisses" Rubb.
O well...I won't mail his care package...

rusty sprockets.jpg

Peace all,ride hard,ride safe, have a good day....luv ya...
YUK. Ahh fug it, I tried.

i stop using this site many years ago becuase of all the bobo heads that were on it
looks like there a new crop came along and took there spot
some things dont change i ??
ive lost count how many bikes ive owned some where between 75 and 100
4 busas never dropped a street bike or ever broke a CHAIN ?? ive been lucky
can any of you say the same??
I stopped using this site many years ago becuase of all the bobo heads that were on it
looks like there a new crop has come along and taken took their spot
some things don't change i ??
I've lost count how many bikes I've owned, somewhere between 75 and 100
4 busas never dropped a street bike or ever broke a CHAIN ?? I've been lucky
can any of you say the same??

I fixed your mistakes too before I reply - you're welcome :)

It doesn't matter how many bikes or cars or whatever anyone has owned.
It only takes one, that's ONE, mistake or accident to end in a catastrophe.
Although you asked a question, the basis of the question was how to bypass a serviceable item that had gone dangerously end-of-life. It would be remiss of all of us to suggest how you may go about this, or indeed offer ideas. It is verging on negligence for us to offer suggestions. So in theory all we, (collective 'we'), were doing was looking out for you.

How would I feel if a person came up to me and said my tires are bald.. Can you show me how to cut grooves in them? I show them, then walk away. But that person then goes up the road, tire explodes and they don't fare so well. You think I would, or anybody would, assist a person in voluntarily risking their health and safety?
Come on - be real.
Be responsible, buy a new chain and sprocket kit and go ride and live another day.

ps - having 75-100 bikes and never droppping a street bike doesn't really count as you could have had 70-95 dirt bikes
i stop using this site many years ago becuase of all the bobo heads that were on it
looks like there a new crop came along and took there spot
some things dont change i ??
ive lost count how many bikes ive owned some where between 75 and 100
4 busas never dropped a street bike or ever broke a CHAIN ?? ive been lucky
can any of you say the same??
Hey its a free what ya want. You could have come back with a decent attitude...not even be cool,just be decent. Everybody was mentioned...tried to look out for you. You got all pissy pants cause nobody would go out on a limb and give you the krap advice you wanted.Now you come back with this shi7.
Well...I cant speak for the bro's....just me.

Fukk you.

to the end of the adjuster
Meaning you have the bolts ALL the way out and the axle is ALL the way to the back of the slot?? If the chain was stock length when new, it has stretched several inches. IDK if that's even possible but if it is it's two or three times as much wear as it's ever supposed to have.

yes sooooooooooooooooo right.

if the chain is really so long
the sprocket teeth sholud look like shark´s teeth

but how was the sentence?
"let´s save money no matter what it may cost." :rofl:
If the sprockets have never been replaced and if the chain has worn as much as it appears it might have, I would not be surprised if the sprockets have no teeth. Worn sprockets often have teeth that are hooked like a circular saw blade. Maybe only slight, but if you can see it, it's getting time to change. The front always wears worse than the rear.

in the very worst case scenario, the motor is scrap.

...or he crashes.

turtlezx, if you're still with us, PLEASE measure across 21 pins as is shown in service manual in rubbersidedown's reply. Use an ordinary steel ruler. I just put a brand new chain on my ZX-14 and it measured 12.5" across 21 links with no wear at all. Both times I changed chains on that bike the chain stretch was at the 12.7" limit but never exceeded. Remember, 0.7" is only across 21 pins and that is only about one sixth of the total chain length. 0.7" x 6 = 4.2 inches of stretch. Both times I changed chains, the front sprocket had been used as long as the chain had been used. The rear sprocket was slightly saw toothed like Berlin Germany mentioned. The teeth also become thin and the spaces between teeth become wider when a sprocket wears.

If you have a stock length chain and it has stretched so the axle fits against the back of the axle slot that is crazy. I'm thinking you must have a couple extra links in the chain. ...I hope that's all it is. :D

To answer your question, how large of a sprocket will fit the stock length chain, I can only offer a couple guesses. I recently have been wondering the same thing. With a brand new chain that has no wear I would hazard a guess you could go +4 teeth on the rear with a stock sized front sprocket and the axle will be pulled almost all the way forward. That is the case with the Gen1 ZX-14. If the chain is well worn, you might get a +5T on the rear. The maximum chain wear specified by the service manual and chain manufacturers only sets the axle back an eighth inch or less. That is nowhere near as much as your axle is set back. You must have some extra links in your chain. Measure it for wear anyway just to be sure.
sorry i didnt mean to say bobo

That's ok. I think you're allowed to say bobo on this site. :D

In all seriousness, I want to know if that chain you have (had) on the bike was (is) stock length. If a stock chain can actually stretch that far, that would be a great story. I don't know how much longer the chain gets from the metal stretching. I believe most of the wear would be metal wearing off of the rollers. If that old chain is stock length and it has worn that much, just change it before it breaks on you.
That's ok. I think you're allowed to say bobo on this site. :D

In all seriousness, I want to know if that chain you have (had) on the bike was (is) stock length. If a stock chain can actually stretch that far, that would be a great story. I don't know how much longer the chain gets from the metal stretching. I believe most of the wear would be metal wearing off of the rollers. If that old chain is stock length and it has worn that much, just change it before it breaks on you.
I'd say auto correct changed the real word.....:lol: