i love my two siberian huskies, they are awesome with kids,
If you've got the room, I highly recommend a Great Dane! Gentle giants!
A Jack Russell terrier is a durable little dog that'll keep up with the young 'un's. Very intelligent to boot.
I have 2 Boxers now and they are great dogs... about the perfect size and great with the kids. They are big enough to defend the house and not eat you out of it...Very playful and loyal... I had Dobermans before my Boxers and they also are great dogs...just bigger.
i love my two siberian huskies, they are awesome with kids,
One of the adds on petfinder that I emailed about is a boxer. I like the breed and this is definetely one of the top choices.[/QUOT
I have had some great dogs in my lifetime. The first dog I adopted from a shelter was Duke the doberman. What a great dog he was, smart as heck and GREAT with kids. He loved everyone. We lost him to a heart condition 5 years ago. Mary and I were hurt beyond words when we lost him, and didn't get another dog for quite awhile after his death. We both felt we couldn't get another dog that would compare ever. Boy was I wrong. We ended up adopting a dog from the shelter that had been there for a year and a half, was missing one of his canine teeth, and was very overweight. The volunteer told us he had been to more than 50 adoption events, and no one wanted him. You couldn't ask for a better companion. Whatever breed you get, I hope you get one from a shelter or adoption agency. Pepper even helps me work on the busa!
He's the only dog i personally know of i'd never worry about biting anyone or anything,just doesn't have it in him.
On the other hand,on the news last week there was a Dane that snatched up a 6 mo. old baby right out of a mother's arms/carried it a 100 yards in it's mouth/mauled it/then dropped it and ran back home(not sure of the extent of injuries but had to be airlifted to a hospital).I've probably had a dozen dogs in my 57 years(including a Dane and 3 Pits)and my "Boy" is by far the most easygoing of them all.
Dont get me wrong i like pits as well. I think most dogs are what you make em to be. Just some are more disposed then others to snap. I think if you search dog attacks you wont find very many danes on the list but i garrantee you find a ton of pits. Which is unfortunate. I was just warning you what would happen if all hell broke loose. I have had a few pits without any troubles at all and yes they were very gentle. The one male i had from rescue was awesome till an officer showed at my house to take a theft report. The pit went nuts. Absolutly crazy i couldnt calm him down. This was a first for him in the 3 years i had him.
ps. heres the article if anyone is interested on the dane attack. funny i read like 10 different articles on this and they all tried to out do each other and all made it sound like it was a ferocious attack. Some more then others.
Great Dane attacks infant - Crime Scene
Get an Australian Cattle Dog! They are incredibly smart, good with kids, hardy, loyal, and wary of strangers. They make a great working dog, family dog and guard dog. They rarely bark, too, so you won't have a yapping mutt that will annoy your neighbours.
Overall, though, I think you should rescue a dog from your local shelter.
I have 2 Boxers now and they are great dogs... about the perfect size and great with the kids. They are big enough to defend the house and not eat you out of it...Very playful and loyal... I had Dobermans before my Boxers and they also are great dogs...just bigger.