Recommended dog breeds

Hmmm...I know there are a number of you who own/like pitbulls, but I have to say I don't trust them at all. - They were bred for one thing, and one thing only. I've seen so many stories where a pitbull mauls some kid or old lady, then the idiot owners say, "Oh, he was such a loving dog...he's never done that before..."

Another dog I don't like and won't have anything to do with is the German Shepherd. I know of too many that have savaged their owners. I talked to a couple of vets about the GS's proclivity toward mauling and they said it was to do with all of the selective breeding, which amounts to inbreeding, so when the dogs get to a certain age they can be genetically predisposed toward going crazy. Damn near every time I read a story about a pensioner being eaten by her dog, it's a German Shepherd.
Oh, and I have also noticed that German Shepherds/Pitbulls/Rottweillers/etc are frequently kept by irresponsible/selfish/dangerously paranoid owners; the kind of people who have either a laissez-faire attitude toward the implied responsibilities of owning a potentially deadly animal, or they deliberately train the dog to be hostile toward non-family members. (I'm not saying this applies to any .org members, but I'm sure others of you will have had the same experience.)
I think a dog's temperament is a fair reflection of it's owners. (Well, not my wife's dog, but it is retarded, so...)

If they(Pits)were specifically bred for anything it was dog fighting,not aggression towards humans,and mine doesn't have an aggressive cell in his body.Take a few minutes to check out some of the info. on the site listed below,couldn't hurt.:thumbsup:

A Dose of Reality
I know for sure this isn't what this thread was started for, but I too wouldn't trust a Pit Bull around a baby or kids in general. My dog points at rabbits. I never taught him how to do that. My cat chases mice. I never taught him to do that. There are certain character traits that are in the DNA of animals (and for that matter us humans, too) and it just leads them to "snap" one day. I can't afford that one day. And neither can my family/friends. Have you ever heard stories of mass murderers when they were kids? They almost always say "they seemed so innocent, and perfectly normal. They showed no signs of this" or how about "he didn't have an aggressive cell in his body"...
Just saying..
Now back on topic.
All dogs are cute, the only dogs I don't like are lap dogs. Can't stand a "yipper"
That bark makes me insane. :D
I know for sure this isn't what this thread was started for, but I too wouldn't trust a Pit Bull around a baby or kids in general. My dog points at rabbits. I never taught him how to do that. My cat chases mice. I never taught him to do that. There are certain character traits that are in the DNA of animals (and for that matter us humans, too) and it just leads them to "snap" one day. I can't afford that one day. And neither can my family/friends. Have you ever heard stories of mass murderers when they were kids? They almost always say "they seemed so innocent, and perfectly normal. They showed no signs of this" or how about "he didn't have an aggressive cell in his body"...
Just saying..
Now back on topic.
All dogs are cute, the only dogs I don't like are lap dogs. Can't stand a "yipper"
That bark makes me insane. :D

Whatever dude,believe what you want to believe.

I'm all done with this thread.:thumbsup:
My first preference wouldve been lab. But as it's out of the question now, I would say Dalmatian. My parents have had couple of dalmatians over the years.
Well it went like this... We found a male boxer about 4years old in our area that a very nice lady had to get rid of. So after some conversation with her I invited her and her children over to bring the dog for a visit so we could see him and she could see where the dog would be if it worked out. She brought "Buster" over and long story short, we kept him. He has a big overbite and looks like he is smiling at you all the time. So far he has been very well mannered and just a big baby. Meanwhile, I had seen an add regarding an American bulldog puppy that was also in need of a home. My wife saw the pics that were sent and she wouldn't let it go. I said "One is enough" to which she replied "well one more won't be any harder". I seem to remember this very same conversation several years ago when she wanted another child. I lost that argument then....and I lost it yesterday too. So now I have a 4 year old boxer and a 3 month old American Bulldog. Pics will be coming soon.
Haha! Your wife sounds like mine! Good luck, and lets see those puppies!!!!
A few of "Buster" (boxer) and "Chloe"(American Bulldog) from the cheap camera.




i have a miniture schnouzer(sp?) and a weimerainer. the miniature is skiddish of new people, and my weimerainer is more like a kid and wants to have all your attention all the time. its nothing for him to curl up and pass out on me.

I'd get another weimerainer if i had the room. freakin loyal and a good alert dog.
Well it went like this... We found a male boxer about 4years old in our area that a very nice lady had to get rid of. So after some conversation with her I invited her and her children over to bring the dog for a visit so we could see him and she could see where the dog would be if it worked out. She brought "Buster" over and long story short, we kept him. He has a big overbite and looks like he is smiling at you all the time. So far he has been very well mannered and just a big baby. Meanwhile, I had seen an add regarding an American bulldog puppy that was also in need of a home. My wife saw the pics that were sent and she wouldn't let it go. I said "One is enough" to which she replied "well one more won't be any harder". I seem to remember this very same conversation several years ago when she wanted another child. I lost that argument then....and I lost it yesterday too. So now I have a 4 year old boxer and a 3 month old American Bulldog. Pics will be coming soon.

That's awesome man. Your wife was right. 2 is better than 1. They look great together!!!!!
quote from Dog Breed Info Center®, DBI
American Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bulls, Pitbulls
American Pitbull terrier

Developed from the Bull and Terrier types of yesteryear, the American Pit Bull Terrier comes from an indisputable history of pit-fighting. The breed's tenacity and accompanying strength are unmatched in the canine world. As rich and captivating as the breed's history is, the Pit Bull's future is more worthy of commentary. Some proponents of the breed argue that this breed is the original bulldog of the past. Old prints and woodcarvings show reason to believe this. They show dogs that look exactly like the breed today, doing things the dog is still capable of doing. For more information on this theory you can read books by Richard F Stratton. The APBT, as registered by the UKC, is an individual breed of dog and does not refer to just any ill-bred, mindless warrior-type mongrel. At one time, the Pit Bull was a much loved, trustworthy companion. People who chose to train these dogs to fight are chiefly responsible for the banning and witch-hunting that has been sweeping the U.S. The media, however, should not go unmentioned, for it is also responsible for escalating isolated incidences in a relentless and attention-getting way. In a lot of cases when the media is reporting about a Pit Bull attacking, it is indeed not even a Pit Bull at all, but a mixed breed of some sort, or another bull breed all together. An example, there was a report on KYW news in Philadelphia about two Pit Bulls attacking a person. The dogs did not look like Pit Bulls, but rather Boxer mix looking dogs. The news station was called and asked if they knew the dogs were in fact purebred American Pit Bull Terriers, or another bull breed of some sort, or a mutt for that matter. They stated they did not know, and to call the police station to verify that information. They were asked how they could report something that they were not sure of. They had no answer and they were not sure of the dog's breed. Even after admitting on the phone that they did not in fact know the breed of the dogs in question, they kept calling the dogs Pit Bulls in their reports. Why? Because the name Pit Bull will drawl out the most attention from the public. The Pit Bull's future has been perhaps irreparably undone and everyone is to blame except the dog itself. This very loyal dog is too set on pleasing his owner, and ironically this is the root of his own undoing. Accompanying this need to please are remarkable abilities of all kinds. Jack Dempsy, Teddy Roosevelt and Jack Johnson are just a few people who have owned Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls excel in practically every canine task including herding, guarding, hunting, policing, cart pulling and ratting. A Pit Bull, named Banddog Dread, holds more canine working titles than ANY other breed. The owner's name is Diane Jessup and you can reference her book, "The Working Pit Bull." It tells you all of Dread's accomplishments. These dogs are truly capable of many tasks. The difference between Pits and American Staffordshire Terriers is a difficult one. Even breeders can't agree. The main difference is the bloodline. Amstaffs are show dogs and dog fighters won't use dogs with Amstaff blood. As time progresses there will be more of a difference. Many are duel registered as Amstaffs with the AKC and Pits with the UKC.