yup, Im banned too! cant go within 100 feet of dealership employees!!
Thats some funny stuff right there. Mine is more of a location issue. I am not home so I cant take it. Do I even want to know what happened to you
yup, Im banned too! cant go within 100 feet of dealership employees!!
i got my notice also. yep the heat sink box under the belly pan. it changes ac to dc. it should only take about 15-20 mins to change out so i think i will let them change it since they don't have to touch anything major on it.
Question: Why do we have a rectifier for AC to DC? what the heck is AC current doing in our bike in the first place? Battery = DC only, right?
The alternator on your car puts out AC (alternating current) then it's converted to DC.
Posted via Mobile Device
Just got mine today in the mail...
Blanca... where you taking yours? I don't know about my local one here... my father had a bad experience at our local one here on the treasure coast...