Red light trippers

well that link u posted says to try the aluminum can trick, I may try this in spring when I break ole "Beretta" out of her slumber
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Aluminum wont work if the sensor uses magnetism to change the light. A large vehicle like a car/truck has enough steel to make it work, aluminim is not ferrous and will not affect the magnet/sensor. I think some fo those are also weight sensitive, a few here in Alabama will change of you jump up and down on the bike, bet that looks funny to bystanders, lol.
some use optical sensors. you'd need a laser that operates in the infared spectrum (which i'm gathering parts for as we speak...
If you ever have a real stubborn light, sometimes cutting the engine off and restarting it will trigger it to change...the starter disrupts the magnetic field on the sensor
My theory: put the bike in neutral and lay the bike on its kickstand for a moment while seated. When in doubt, look left,look right, then roll trough.
Posted via Mobile Device
If there's a car behind me, I'll put up enough for that car to move close enough to the sensor for me.

If there's no car, I'll roll the bike back 2feet and then forward where I was, that usually trips the sensor.
or whatever you call them .
Who makes and where can I get the magnets you put on your bike to trip traffic lights. I'm tired of sitting there forever.

Is there a special one that works for bikes or should I just put a magnet from Harbor Freight in the bottom of cowling ?

i was searching youtube on making a wind turbine and he used small magnets very strong apperently you can buy them at walmart ..from 3 feet away magnets would attract each other i mean powerfull they may just do the trick
neo dimiam? boron magnets pretty cheap to purchase from walmart stock#60001 if magnets is what you need he says thier the best and good size for what your looking to do heres the link to the vid.