You took the words right from my wifes mouth......guess that's why she's the photographer, and I'm notOh, and I meant to say, the camera flash washed yer yellow out. That's why the pics don't do it justice. Get some of 'er out in the sun ASAP so we can see the real color!
You know yer welcome here.....anytime.ahhh, very nice, MSFcan't wait to see it in person.
Thanks Rub.....yep still got a couple things......want emawesome Bill.....a gloss black kanji with hayabusa writin' in chrome , for me , would look the best .
nuttin' else on the bike thou....
PS, you still got them carbon fiber goodies ?
It looks gr8 Monsta....real schmoove....
Don't it thou.....sweet lookin' bike.....BILLeave It .Damn! that color makes it look mean that second pic looks awesome it looks monstrous.
Billleave it.......I thought you wanted the shiney black KanjiDon't it thou.....sweet lookin' bike.....BILLeave It .Damn! that color makes it look mean that second pic looks awesome it looks monstrous.
Thanks NE......I think I might have a hard time keepin up.......boosted at the end of summer though.Very nice. I would let you ride with me anytime.