Rev's Edges V2.0 Finally got her all the way over.

I just bought some spools for use with my Pitbull SS stand, but I have a question. According to the instructions, the long fingers of the stand should face the front of the bike. But when I flipped the top mount over, one finger faces the front, the other the rear. There seems to be only one part number for the top mount, so is this correct?
You do have both brackets hangin' to the inside of the stand don't you? I'd get in touch with Aaron at Pit Bull and check on that. Both of mine have the long part of the bracket facing the front of the bike. Can you post a pic of yer stand and the brackets?

There may just be one part number but there HAS to be two different brackets... Call Pit Bull...
Dude, sounds like they sent you two of the same part, The Long ends of the forks should both be towards the front. Sounds like you have two lefts or two rights. If you bought locally go back and let them know, otherwise contact PitBull and let them know.

In the end both sides of the stand will be at the same height so you could probably use it as is for now without any real problems. Just be sure to get them lined up well before lifitng.
OK Pic One The front...  
Now I know that the chicken strips really aren't a measure of riding ability, but it does provide evidence that Yes, the Busa Can Lean...

It's been a little mission of mine anyway...Obviously didn't spend a whole lot of time on them edges, but I got there...
Gotta get yourself a practice bike Bro!

86' GSXR (my personal favorite practice bike).
Throw on a set of USD forks and a Fox shock, some late model 17 rims and a set of Endurance compound Dunlop slicks.

You can take that bike out and you'll be pushing the front in no time.

I used this combo 7 years ago because I was too worried about wadding up my $36K Race bike.

You would be amazed at how much faster you will improve, when you able to focus solely on "riding properly". (versus riding, and calculating how expensive a crash will be :biggrin: )

I am NOT saying "go out and use slicks on the street". I AM saying "get the proper tools", and you'll do a much better job.
I hope no one reads this and misinterprets what I am trying to relay here. You use the endurance compound because once you become proficient at exploring the limits of traction (front and rear), you'll also know where maximum traction exists. Accomplish that........and you start going thru tires just like you do Race gas (damn quick). The slicks allow you to warm up the tires, practice; and repeat without worry of vulcanizing the compound. Once the tires are worn out (wear dimples dissapear), replace 'em!

You'll be out there trying to drag your elbow in NO-TIME!
Yeah I have had this exact thought a few times...  I am thinking about trying to find an older F2 or F3 maybe even a CBR900RR.  Get it all torn down and get rid of the expensive bits (Plastics).  Basically build me a tool to out there to just go thrash on and explore the limits a bit, get some track time under my belt.  Cause you are absolutly right, I frequently find myself all mind screwed going into a fast corner cause I am so worried about the financial concequences of an accident...  I am all ready to go attack a corner then the dollar signs pop up and blow the FUN right outta the ride...