Nice work! Can't wait to see your completed bike in the future!
Tha Pimpinator strikes again....
Sweet job, bro....I've been contemplating something like this since I have an extra undertray that's been hacked up worse than a young 'un in a horror flick.
Sweet deal, bro.....looks pretty damned alright. Even better is the fact you got enough mojo to do the magic yourself. Awesome, bro....
WOW Damn I like that.. wish you were making them to sell.
Nice job Rythm! Looks very clean and pro-like...did you do the hump mod along with it?...I mean the mod that alows you to use the hollowed out part of the hump as well for storage, not the notching thing.
Haven't seen any pics of your new bike for about throwin' some up here to see
Great work , as ususal! NJ.::
Nothing but kind words from a cool cat as usual, thanks NJ