Rider down

Wow, very bad news indeed!

Prayers sent for speedy and full recovery for Ben and his friend.

Will definately miss him at the bash.
I sure hope all turns out well..
Sorry to hear that! I hope both of them will be OK health wise. We will miss Ben at the bash.
damn !!!!
did the same thing back in 89 -- He is in for a world of hurt and wont be able to wash his armpit for a month.
get well soon ben -- it took me 10 years to get back on a street bike after my crash.
I hate to take advantage of this, but please see it as a cautionary tale, especially for those of us heading up to the Bash; please ride for you and within your means... be careful... Ben, we'll be thinking of you... maybe we'll get you a group shot at the overlook for a pickme up!
After a good day of riding myself I hate to see these "Rider Down" posts,

Best of Luck Ben, here's praying both you and your passengers injuries are minor. Get well soon my friend.
Not good, not good. I hope he's going to be just fine.

And his passenger.
