Rider down

Today I almost ran over a squid with my SUV when he decided to cut in front of me without signaling. Luckily I anticipated his "smart" move and took proper action. And now coming home to hear this about Ben and his passenger...Man, this is not good!
Will say a prayer tonight for Ben and his passenger. Ben, I think an angel was also riding with U because we all know it could have been worse. God bless.
holy crap. get better ben just saw this 30 seconds ago
and your friend



Yamahor, get well quick, and your female passenger also.


Highsiding is not a good way to impress a young lady, especially when she is on the back.
Sorry to hear this. Was just talking to him Friday about low siding in a curve on my way to work Friday morning.
Get well and take care.
Get well soon, you are still in our prayers. Did anyone find out the status of the bike maybe we could help with getting it back into ride condition for him so he could make the Bash?
(TIMMYDUCK @ Apr. 23 2007,06:53) Yamahor, get well quick, and your female passenger also.


Highsiding is not a good way to impress a young lady, especially when she is on the back.
Heal quick bro...............
Get better my friend... Fug the bike! We can fix anything here on the Org, just take care of yourself.
My heart just sank while scrolling through the pages...

I'm just glad to hear he's going to be okay...heal fast Ben. If you need anything, please let me know...
I have really enjoyed his postings, hope he's back on the computer soon.
Let us know what the bike needs.