Rider skill vs. horsepower


Just thought I'd share something that happened today. My son has an 05 ZX-6R (titanium - pretty bike
). His friend has an 04 Gixxer 1000. They raced from a 1st gear roll on up to about 145-150 (for those of you that don't like street racing, it was on a mile stretch of county road with no traffic).
My son won by about 2 bike lengths with his ZX-6R. Of course, I was glad for my son. But there's something wrong here. A Suzuki 1000 gives a Busa or a ZX-12R a good close race, at least for a while until the Busa or 12 get into the higher speeds (The 05 Gixxer 1000 is even faster than the previous ones). I think the race today narrows down to 2 of 3 things:1. This Gixxer 1000 was a turd 2. The guy on the Gixxer 1000 is a turd 3. My son is a better rider. I choose 2 & 3 because Gixxer 1000's are not turds. My son probably gave up about 35 horsepower to the Gixxer but he still won. He knows how to ride. He knows when to shift to the next gear and keep the bike's motor in the power band. Obviously, the other guy doesn't. He wasn't embarrassed. All he said was "Man that things fast!" Had it been equal riders, I think the outcome would've been different.
The 05 ZX-6R is no slouch. But it isn't a Busa, ZX-12R, or Gixxer 1000 beater either. The rider makes a big, big difference. BulletTrain pointed this out in a previous post and he's right on.

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Hey Mokaw,

I would say that fact 3 (your son is a better rider) and fact 4 ( Your son knows his bike) can explain the run. You have taught him well grasshopper. When you put those two together they are tough to beat no matter what size bike you got.
Well, the rider makes a huge difference in a race... when it comes to motorcycles...!
interesting outcome....

some things still don't make sense, though....need more facts.
The rider made the difference....the Gixxer has a 40+ HP advantage
and the Gixxer also makes 60-70% more torque!
true, but dayum....

that's like a busa getting smoked by a 750. It's still hard to fathom....unless the guy on the Busa is not throttle WFO like he should. Same scenario with the 600 vs. G1K.

Skill of the rider is almost the whole thing, The Bike is just their. Sounds like your son knew how to use it, were as the other did not or was afraid to really cut loose on it.
Just thought I'd share something that happened today. My son has an 05 ZX-6R (titanium - pretty bike
). His friend has an 04 Gixxer 1000. They raced from a 1st gear roll on up to about 145-150 (for those of you that don't like street racing, it was on a mile stretch of county road with no traffic).
My son won by about 2 bike lengths with his ZX-6R. Of course, I was glad for my son. But there's something wrong here. A Suzuki 1000 gives a Busa or a ZX-12R a good close race, at least for a while until the Busa or 12 get into the higher speeds (The 05 Gixxer 1000 is even faster than the previous ones). I think the race today narrows down to  2 of 3 things:1. This Gixxer 1000 was a turd 2. The guy on the Gixxer 1000 is a turd 3. My son is a better rider. I choose 2 & 3 because Gixxer 1000's are not turds. My son probably gave up about 35 horsepower to the Gixxer but he still won. He knows how to ride. He knows when to shift to the next gear and keep the bike's motor in the power band. Obviously, the other guy doesn't. He wasn't embarrassed. All he said was "Man that things fast!" Had it been equal riders, I think the outcome would've been different.
The 05 ZX-6R is no slouch. But it isn't a Busa, ZX-12R, or Gixxer 1000 beater either. The rider makes a big, big difference. BulletTrain pointed this out in a previous post and he's right on.
Maybe the other guy was new to the bike and was short shifting it or something......you know...afraid to wind it up and break it
If you can maximize your machine and the other guy doesn't, it def comes down to rider. But still, you'd think up to those speeds even a weak rider could use the 1000's huge advantage to reel the sixer back in......strange.
On a side note how much do you beat your son by on your Busa?...maybe that boy ought look into some 1/4 milin'...lol
Well, I don't ride a Busa. I ride a ZX-12R with nitrous. I explained that when I joined this forum and was welcomed anyway. You guys are sooo nice! Someday, I might have a Busa, too, because I like and respect them and I think it would look nice parked by my 12. Two good bikes!
As for bike comparisons, my 12 against my son's 6, we haven't done a 1/4 mile drag race - yet. The other day, we were cruising out on the highway. I slowed down so he could pull up beside me. I told him to hit it. He leaned forward, nailed it, and took off. I waited a couple seconds and hit mine (not sure what gear he was in, but I was in second). I caught him right away, let off, and he started pulling away again. Then I nailed it and stayed on it and passed him pretty easy (not using nitrous of course). I let off at about 130-135 or so and he was pretty far behind me, like about 4 or 5 car lengths, not bike lengths. That's how our 2 bikes compare from a roll on, not even close. I'm sure a standing start drag race would be closer. The kid has good reflexes. But so does the old man.
The kid on the Gixxer 1000 has been riding sport bikes for a few years. I'm not sure what he had before. From what I understand, he got the 1000 last year. He also weighs about the same as my son, which is another reason why I think he should've walked away from the 6. I guess the kid just can't ride. But my son can and I'm proud of him.
Yeah just what you said...The 1k is a mofo...Your kid just out rode the other...So tell him not to try that $#@% to often...
yep...what Stunnah-Man preaches.

Good that yer boy can ride...just advise him to be safe.
Well, I don't ride a Busa. I ride a ZX-12R with nitrous. I explained that when I joined this forum and was welcomed anyway. You guys are sooo nice! Someday, I might have a Busa, too, because I like and respect them and I think it would look nice parked by my 12. Two good bikes!
As for bike comparisons, my 12 against my son's 6, we haven't done a 1/4 mile drag race - yet. The other day, we were cruising out on the highway. I slowed down so he could pull up beside me. I told him to hit it. He leaned forward, nailed it, and took off. I waited a couple seconds and hit mine (not sure what gear he was in, but I was in second). I caught him right away, let off, and he started pulling away again. Then I nailed it and stayed on it and passed him pretty easy (not using nitrous of course). I let off at about 130-135 or so and he was pretty far behind me, like about 4 or 5 car lengths, not bike lengths. That's how our 2 bikes compare from a roll on, not even close. I'm sure a standing start drag race would be closer. The kid has good reflexes. But so does the old man.
The kid on the Gixxer 1000 has been riding sport bikes for a few years. I'm not sure what he had before. From what I understand, he got the 1000 last year. He also weighs about the same as my son, which is another reason why I think he should've walked away from the 6. I guess the kid just can't ride. But my son can and I'm proud of him.
This is a great forum.....BulletTrain loves it so much when he sold his Busa to buy a new 10 he stuck around...even tho he took a little heat at first
we're a very forgiving bunch...lol. As long as you like big fast bikes your pretty much welcome here. And be proud of your son...sounds like he can ride....just remember they're may come a day when he wants something faster....so don't show him all your tricks
and a belated welcome to you
