Riding Location......


I don't know bout u guys but wen I ride on a two lane hi way going in both direction with no barrier I ALWAYS gravitate to the right side of the road fearing some chic texting her BFF is gonna cross over and hit me. or the guy thats "Buzzed:whistle:" but not drunk decides to drift over....

I see it with my buddys all the time they all ride the double yellow. I tell them their stupid but their egos tell them the ride on the left side of the lane vs. the right. ur entitled to the whole lane so why not chose the side thats less likely to strike u? IDN can't fix stupid sometimes not matter how hard u try
Guess it depends on where you live. I tend to ride closer to the yellow because you never know what's going to come out of the ditch. Besides that it also gives me more road to react to whatever happens. If I ride all the way to the right that only gives me one direction to swerve if something happens, if I ride to the left then I have 10 foot to the right and an entire lane to left for defense riding if needed. Guess my thinking is messed up, like you said, can't fix stupid.
All sorts of critters come out of the ditches here
I've hit all of them on a bike, cats, dogs, racoons, possums, rabbits, squirrels, and deer.
They step out right in front of you and you have no time to react.
Personally I prefer to hit them(not intentionally)than ride the center of the lane.
Because I've had that stupid girl texting run me in the ditch.
I saw her face just long enough to see her shocked look, then her laugh(b*tch was completely in my lane, hence why I was in the ditch).
By that time I was kicking up rocks and dust(didn't go down).
I started to run her down and let her know what an idiot she was, but it only would've caused more problems.
I've been run out of the road more times than I can remember over the years, from distracted, drunk, careless, and just plain stupid drivers.
I'll take my chances with the ditch. I'de be much happier if I crashed because of an animal or my own stupidity, than another idiot that has no business driving.
Friend of mine hit 4 deer in 3 months on his Accord last year.
As said, they're bad here.
But, I still love them...they're delicious!
Friend of mine hit 4 deer in 3 months on his Accord last year.
As said, they're bad here.
But, I still love them...they're delicious!

Last 26 months I have hit 11 deer with my Avalanche. Plus 2 with busas. Second one was not totalled. Insurance bought me all new plastics and a new exhaust. I did not hit that one it came out of the bushes and tackled my a$$. I was only running about 30 mph, the problem was he was too when he hit me.
I hate riding two abreast, one poor dude hasta ride close to oncoming traffic and like GNBRETT says the texters and other losers
are out there gunning for us..!! When me and the wife go riding, I let her go first so I can keep an eye on her and I follow by 100 feet or so.
Personally I tend to ride in the middle of my lane, favoring neither side as a rule. :-)
We were riding up in Ohio a few years back and the wife ran over a big Groundhog that ran out in front of her. She ran right over it
with that Harley Deuce and kept on going...!! :thumbsup:
Fortunately I have not hit anything yet and I'm keeping my fingers crossed I don't..!!
Damn! 11!!!!!!!!:shocked:I wish deer were as abundant down here in FL so I could put some organic meat in the freezer during hunting season.LOL!!
All we have to worry about is tourists, snowbirds, and granny driving her giant crown Vic!!:dunno:
yea I agree its not always appropriate but I'm talkn miles and miles of nothn but hi way where no one can pull out in front of them. wen possibly it just makes more sense to ride to the right. yea shiit can always go bad I agree no matter where u are at but with text messaging these days their worse then drunks and far more likely to hit then an animal jumping out or somthn fallen off someones car or somthn

Guess it depends on where you live. I tend to ride closer to the yellow because you never know what's going to come out of the ditch. Besides that it also gives me more road to react to whatever happens. If I ride all the way to the right that only gives me one direction to swerve if something happens, if I ride to the left then I have 10 foot to the right and an entire lane to left for defense riding if needed. Guess my thinking is messed up, like you said, can't fix stupid.
thats crazy. FL needs to start hunting them their obviously overpopulated there cause I live in the stix and rarely see one cross the road

Last 26 months I have hit 11 deer with my Avalanche. Plus 2 with busas. Second one was not totalled. Insurance bought me all new plastics and a new exhaust. I did not hit that one it came out of the bushes and tackled my a$$. I was only running about 30 mph, the problem was he was too when he hit me.