Round 2 If you could change the org

I understand that is staffed, and also quite a bit more expensive to run I'm sure. You had just asked for input, I gave it to you.

Now as far as the subscribing for updates, why should a person have to do that for both classifieds AND normal forums. Again, most likely fixed if the classifieds were a normal part of the forum, also fixing the tapatalk issues...

I know all about the usercp's and options, I've been a user of these types of forums for many years, but didn't know there was a separate one for the classified section which is just another thing that makes it less fluid here.

I know of not a single person that subscribes to every thread they post in. There are very few people that subscribe to anything to tell you the truth. The functionality is the same for the classifieds. When you enter an ad all you have to do is check a box if you want updates, it's that easy. I you want to watch someone elses add you can subscribe jus like the forum. The classifieds and forum are separate because they serve two distinct purposes. The forum is to retain data indefinitely and the classifieds is to show data for a short time then expire. You need to spend a few minutes looking at the classifieds, they since it serves different purpose there are other features.

What you want is here I think, just not where you want it.
okay folks the 1st thread got very long but i think we addressed 95% of the changes requested and the 5% that we did not i sent a pm to the person that made the request or suggestion explaining why we could not make adjustments.

Now with that said....

What else would you change or add to the site if you could snap your fingers. One thing that we learned in the last session is that there are a ton of features that are already on the site that people are looking for but don't know where they are or how to use them.....

So post up here and let me know what you want different or how to use something on the site...


link on homepage for t shirts is a dead end. Is it just me who clicks on it and doesn't get a response.

That's my suggestion , i would like to support this site with buying a shirt or something.

Thx for listening .
link on homepage for t shirts is a dead end. Is it just me who clicks on it and doesn't get a response.

Fixed, thanks for the reminder...

if you want to support the site the best thing you can do is support our advertisers and just stay involved on the site. Help the guy next to you and offer suggestions and ideas when people are looking for assistance...

I know of not a single person that subscribes to every thread they post in. There are very few people that subscribe to anything to tell you the truth. The functionality is the same for the classifieds. When you enter an ad all you have to do is check a box if you want updates, it's that easy. I you want to watch someone elses add you can subscribe jus like the forum. The classifieds and forum are separate because they serve two distinct purposes. The forum is to retain data indefinitely and the classifieds is to show data for a short time then expire. You need to spend a few minutes looking at the classifieds, they since it serves different purpose there are other features.

What you want is here I think, just not where you want it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, just stating that it is different here than any other forum style site is all.. I must be one of the oddballs that subscribes to every thread I post in. I have it checked to instant email notification in my usercp, just figured that it would also instantly notify me for the classified ads I posted in, that's all.
Thanks for the help though, and this site seems to be loaded with great info, and even greater people, which is way more important than features on a website. Thank you for all your hard work, I'm sure this isn't an easy thing to maintain... :beerchug:
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, just stating that it is different here than any other forum style site is all.. I must be one of the oddballs that subscribes to every thread I post in. I have it checked to instant email notification in my usercp, just figured that it would also instantly notify me for the classified ads I posted in, that's all.
Thanks for the help though, and this site seems to be loaded with great info, and even greater people, which is way more important than features on a website. Thank you for all your hard work, I'm sure this isn't an easy thing to maintain... :beerchug:

Sir I don't think your complaining at all, we all want this place to be better... We DO have the ability to turn on notifications for every post for every person but people don't like all the emails and PM's. We turned the auto notifications years ago simply because the people that didn't want to be notified way outnumbered those that did.. To compromise we left the functionality where members could set it up themselves...

As far as the ads, yeah once again its not automatic but we did make it a simple check box when you set the ad up... Not automatic but very easy to do also....

Keep the ideas coming, this is what makes us better...

cap has a section called "tard farm" maybe be its a little inaproprate for the org. but it helps with venting..

They also have a curse filter.. type ANY or almost any curse word and the filter miss spells it for you..

Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
dont know doug if you answered it...i suggested a "members in chat" list right at top to "encourage" others to jump into chat instead of scrolling all the way down or being distracted by a post that catches thier eye
Ya know we had a long conversation about this years ago... We had people that had friends that were on GSXR1000's and others bikes. We considered opening the site up to other bikes but the problem is that there isnt a way to segment the site out so that features only worked in certain areas. If you hit the new post button you would get ALL the new post... There is something about a busa owner that makes this place so calm and respectful, you add liter bikes and all that is gone... I figure when the busa dies, so will the org...


If you remain the best Busa forum, you can stay alive regardless of whether or not the Busa is in production. As the bike has been produced in huge numbers and has captured the imagination of the public like few others I see a continuing interest in the Busa far into the future.

Witness these sites devoted to motorcycles long out of production.

Indian Motorcycle Club of America
Not too shabby for a motorcycle not made since 1953 to have Brangelina on the front page.

Strictly Hodaka

Vincent Motorcycle Free Classifieds

Don't know if it's possible since the sub forum was removed; but when you used to put up a classified ad it would show under new posts.
Shows a little more exposure on the board.

Nathan, the new ads feature is working again. When there is a new ad made in the classifieds it will show up when you click the new post button... Only the first time but it will at least give everyone an update new stuff is out there...

Hope this is what you were looking for..
Sir I don't think your complaining at all, we all want this place to be better... We DO have the ability to turn on notifications for every post for every person but people don't like all the emails and PM's. We turned the auto notifications years ago simply because the people that didn't want to be notified way outnumbered those that did.. To compromise we left the functionality where members could set it up themselves...

As far as the ads, yeah once again its not automatic but we did make it a simple check box when you set the ad up... Not automatic but very easy to do also....

Keep the ideas coming, this is what makes us better...


The Jeep Forum that I belong to has auto subscriptions enabled by default which I find highly annoying. I eventually figured out how to turn it off but for a while there it kept me from posting because every time I posted in a general thread I would have to go into my user CP and then unsubscribe to that thread or be bombarded with emails every time someone else replies to the same thread. I like it way better here at the .org! :thumbsup:

That Jeep Forum has one feature I do like though. They have a setting that I turned on that notifies me when I am quoted and there is also a button that shows all threads that I was quoted in. This is nice because it allows me to respond quicker to people who ask me a question or respond to my question. They use the same software as so that may be a feature all ready and I just don't know where it is. :beerchug:

Thanks to you and all your other admins! :bowdown:
Nathan, the new ads feature is working again. When there is a new ad made in the classifieds it will show up when you click the new post button... Only the first time but it will at least give everyone an update new stuff is out there...

Hope this is what you were looking for..

Yes sir.
Just noticed it while looking under new posts.
What about a way to run a slideshow of the pics?

Slideshow is on, you can click the new icon when looking at a catagory of all pics inside that area or you can go deeper into the different forums and running it then...
how about a place for the grudge racers to talk smack with out a lot of interferance from the mods, as long as its clean. you could call it grudge racing. no cussing just racers talking smack, if your not into it, dont go there.
great, now if i could just find "the icon".....


I would like it if you could display some or all of a members previous posts by clicking on his name or avatar. If you can do this already please tell me how. Thanks for the improvements on the site.
I would like it if you could display some or all of a members previous posts by clicking on his name or avatar. If you can do this already please tell me how. Thanks for the improvements on the site.

Just click on the members name, a drop down will appear. Then click on "All posts".