Round 2 If you could change the org

How about a Buyer Beware section? In case someone gets ripped off or something so we can be aware of it.
How about a Buyer Beware section? In case someone gets ripped off or something so we can be aware of it.

We used to have something like this on the forum and of course it was abused more often than not. It turned into a haters paradise, if someone has a problem they can post it in the main forum.

Somehow when we put that new area up the mods and admins became the peace keepers and mediators because we had the access to change or remove things when asked...
We used to have something like this on the forum and of course it was abused more often than not. It turned into a haters paradise, if someone has a problem they can post it in the main forum.

Somehow when we put that new area up the mods and admins became the peace keepers and mediators because we had the access to change or remove things when asked...

Oh, I see.
I believe I have seen it asked but did not see the response. Most likely cause I am not on as much as I used to be....

Is there a way to allow you to "show all" to a thread instead of page by page? Or is it a bandwidth issue or some such? Just thought I would ask, when approaching a new multipage thread it is a nice option to just pull it all up.

Thanks cap, sorry if this was covered already :poke:
Maybe a little icon to indicate if a user has posted in a thread? I sometimes forget if ive posted in a givin thread, ill click on almost everything that has a new post, so i forget if ive added my 02. Maybe a little arrow next to the kanji for the icon, or on top of the little sheet of paper?
I guess my 2cent was not worth a reply, Oh well I"ve been dissed by better people.

I guess I don't get a chance to ever get away from the site huh?

We used to have a place called the smack shack.. In the end, no we are not going to open it again. While you might be able to keep it civil others can't it gets out of hand in just minutes.... I don't want to have to police the site, language and fix things all the time.. Many people just don't know how to act, it never works...