You just ruined my final post when all of this "contest" krap was said and done. This wasn't supposed to be and isn't a popularity contest. It was just MY LITTLE WAY of sayin' thanks to the Org as a whole. Everybody who's been around here for more than 2 weeks knows what goes on and understands the "family concept" that rules this little peice of cyberspace.The folks that sign up and buy/sell in the classifieds are OK,they help the site in their own way,but things like this,things like the average thread posted in random are rarely seen by those with 10 posts. Just because (insert name here) didn't make the list is irrellevent.We all know who does what.The type of good member that would land on a list like this,probably doesn't give a frick wether or not he/she gets any recognition at all,in fact,probably prefers it that way.
When I met 15 or 20 members in vegas years back(trip paid for as a surprize by mostly unnamed members + the captain himself) I think they did it out of the goodness of their hearts,not for any type of recognition. When one or 2 of those members who attended vegas came up and shook my hand and said yer the guy who saved the org,I said B.S. I didn't save it,all the regularly posting members saved it. I may have spear-headed a few fund raising deals,but I didn't do it for recognition,I did it for the folks that enjoy this site.I also used it as therapy,to keep myself busy,insted of wallowing inself-pity. I also felt the owner was a little frustrated,not with just the org but with some "life-in-general" type stuff and could use a helping hand.HE DID NOT ask for my help, WE forced it on him.Thats how that whent down.
So in the end Tom,and by no means do I mean any offence to you,I'm sure alot of folks share your opinion,its not a popularity contest,it's just a "Hey thanks Bro" kind of deal. If I had to make a list of everyone who has helped a fellow org brother or sister I wouldn't get 2 percent of the names typed out before having to get carpal tunnel surgery. That and my busted brain would have to go back and try and recollect the names of people who haven't posted in years.
After my crash I was in bad shape,in more ways than one.Folks really rallied behind me,and few if any wanted any recognition. Anybody remember org brother Shenoy from India? I was up late one doing all my org accounting,transferring funds from my paypal to the org's funds that were landing there from donations,raffles,sales of members donated items,stuff of my own etc etc. When I noticed a tranfer from Shenoy to me personally with a little note saying,"this is for you Andy,a little something to help you out." A little something.I was blown away.It was 1000.oo dollars. You read correctly.A grand.I was grateful,but of course could not accept such a gift.I sent it back.He sent it back to me.I sent it back to him.He...well,you know.Then the phone rings,you guessed it,incomming call from India. He insisted I accept or he was going to keep re-sending until it was all chewed up in paypal fee's. I put my man-ego aside and accepted. He didn't want his generosity posted,but you all know the Rubb, hehehe, I posted about it anyway.Where is Shenoy today? I have no freakin' clue.I did turn around and do alot of good with the dough for fellow members who were having finacial difficuties at the time,but I didnt tell Shenoy. About that same time,the doorbell rang one day,a delivery dude was standing there with a package.Inside the package a brand knew un-opened Xbox. WOW. The cool part...a shipping label with no name or return address (done on purpose).I did some digging and discovered I barely knew the man.He had been told I was laid up with severe injuries and was going a little stir crazy,hence the gift. This is the true essence of this place.Good on Doug for keeping it alive thru the good and the bad,but you also have to realize that WE are the org.Not some server somewhere. All of it sound a little "mushy" a little "kissy,kissy" is it making a mean ol' bastid like me sick to my stomach typing all this drivlle...yes. LOL.
So there you have my thoughts on this little deal....
But if you really want the truth,I can offer you that too...
Rubb had a bunch of shi7 layin' around he was too fuggin' lazy to throw in the garbage.
The garbage can is all the way in the kitchen,but this keyboard is right in front of my favourite chair.
I'm sure to the average motorcyclist cruising the internet, we appear to be a bunch of pink-panty wearin', over emotional,little girly men...
But in true "Rubbah fashion" I don't give a fug.