...What I dont get is why are these R1 guys so hell bent on putting down the busa. I mean every guy i have ment ona r1 in india... goes blah blah over how much HP the R1 has over busa... how light and nimble it is ... yada yada yada
I dunno if this behaviour is specific to r1 users in india... or all over the world!!
I am noticing more and more that riders are wearing less gear and riding crazy. I was on 495 the other day and a rider came pass me going at least 140. This was right in the middle of rush hour. That's just stupid!
Yeah, I definitely identify with my own physical mortality and understand I should not tempt my Father's grace. I agree that by giving chase I could have incited a serious accident, which could have included me. Thank you Holy Spirit for restraint, because my initial desire was to pursue the lil devil on wheels to the full extent.
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