Hayabusa crash in Frederick, Maryland on 270 (6/29)

A reminder of reality,,,caution,,,I have rode for better than 32 yrs,,im 04 in Richmond Va,,in 5 oclock traffic,,3 lanes everrone speeding..I wasnting splitting lanes,,but i was changeing lanes like I was playing a video game,,,,I quit splitting lanes 25 years ago,,it is reckless,,,,any way while coming home from work in Va,,3 lanes of traffic,,Im booking and monitoring traffic and timeing the lights to catch all greens,,,and out of no where,a guy coming the other way, makes a left hand turn in front of me and runs the light,,My light was green,,,,I teeboned his truck at the passenger door ,,i was on a 650lb v-max,,Happened so fast I last remember that I had to do the obvious,,lock up both front and back brakes to slow the impact,,,you cant avoid the wreck,,I was right on top of him doing 60 mph,I didnt even have time to let off the throttle nor hit the brakes,,thats how quick he came out of no where ,,,It put me in the trauma unit with multable boke bones everywhere,,,Case point,,,,drive like no one can see you,,,,It used to be very hard no to drive aggressive,,,But God spared me,and for the guy who recently wrecked and walked away,,,God was with him too,,,,,ps...After my wreck..i was layed up with a boat load of injuries,,in pain and hateing life,,,the guy had no insurance,,I lost my job,,I was busted up and my bike was toast,,,,The kid who ran the light ,,the cops informd me he had nothing,,broke,,,a wife and i think a new kid,,the beatup pick up with a camper shell that I cut in half is all he had,,I was mad,,but didnt go to court,,God touched my heart to let it go,,,,,point is,,a week after my wreck,,I saw on the Local news that a 19 yr old hit a mini van in the rear and it killed himon the spot,,,,,,,,,My gift was that God had spared my life once again,,,and it calmed me aggressive driveing skills down,,,I wasnt splittinng lanes,,but aggessive yes,,,I took for granted that everyone could see me,,all that skill I had meant nothing,,,,,Now I ride ,,slow down thru GREEN lights looking both ways,,,PS one of my main petpeeves is People who use cell phones while driveing,,theres been dozens of times that people have pulled right out in front of me while talking on the phone,,and the salt to this injury is,,,,They dont even throw up their hand to apologize when they see what they just did,,,,,,Too woried about their phone call than that they almost made me eat asphalt.........

Wasn't me since I sold my 09 to Lycan...I have never seen another white one around the 270 area....no idea who this was.
,,,,,,Too woried about their phone call than that they almost made me eat asphalt.........

Exactly!!! i was trying to tell someone here in another thread how this makes the whole "loud pipes save lies BS an huge myth......people dont care or are to busy paying attention to thier priorities (cell radio ac purse or wallet dog on the driver seat kid rolling around girlfriend or boyfriend...) before even paying attention to their driving...........good advice:thumbsup::thumbsup: and proves my point..