Sad day, had to lay it down

Flashing your lights at a driver looking to take your right-of-way usually means "I see you, go ahead"

If you're concerned a motorist can't see you; turn your high-beam on and leave it on.
Glad you're alright Bro, I just had one cager almost squeeze me in between a public transportation bus today and laugh at the scenario...
That sux! Glad you're ok.
Glad you were geared up and that you came through relativley unscathed... Revlis is right the weave in the lane is very effective.
Glad you are O.K. and that the bike isn't damaged too badly.

Never flash your headlights unless you intend to yield the right of way to the other driver. Also a good idea to flash the headlight when passing so it will alert the driver ahead of you that you are coming through. As stated above weaving in the lane or hitting the high beams and leaving them on is a good idea.
Sorry you had to lay it down.
First thing thru my head, was a misunderstanding of the flash signal.
I always ride with my high beam on.( Always)
Never turn it off unless I am behind another bike at night.
(Like that will ever happen.)
Or some real stupid persons needs to get tagged a few times to be convinced there 1988 Grand Caravan never belongs in the left lane anymore.
You recognized the problem early on with that particular car.
If you had stopped and yielded even though you had the right of way you would have only lost 5 seconds out of a day, been able to curse at her justifably under your helmet and blow by her in the next passing zone or whatever, leaving just the faint lingering of your exhaust note.

Every car on the road wants to hit every bike on the road.
You must ride thinking that you are totally invisible, everytime you hop on it.
Almost had the same thing happen to me a few days back. Lady making a left turn across my path of travel. She sees me...or sees right through me...leaps forward a few meters and looks again...has a look of extreme shock and surprise on her face...and then stops again less than 2-3 feet from my right fairing...

I didnt give her the finger or anything...just made the "look before you go" sign and kept moving.

I want to use flashing lights on my cop lights...built into my helmet or something...

Cages should come with built in cell-phone jammers. Only individuals in the medical profession and other justified professions should be exempt from this jamming device. -OR- you can still call out of a jamming zone in the car BUT you pay HEAVILY for calls made through a jammer.
Glad you're okay man.

I flash the high beam (passing light) as I am approaching just to make sure she sees me and she decides at the very last minute to go.......

Was it a communication problem with the driver? I usually flash my beems in both the car and the bike giving the go-ahead signal to the other driver. Always was taught to do it that way. Maybe it's different in different parts of the country.

glad you're ok.
yeah if some one flashes me at an intersection, usually take that as the go ahead sign.  
hate to say it bro, but same here.

Either way, at least you're alive and uninjured.
++ I always flash to give the other person the right of way. Glad your OK
I flash the high beam (passing light) as I am approaching just to make sure she sees me and she decides at the very last minute to go.......

Really sorry to hear this,glad you are in good shape.
I too think she thought you were giving here the go.
What could have saved this whole thing is if she did look at it as in you letting her go,then she should have stepped on the gas peddle instantly!
Not hesitate for a minute like most idiot drivers do!
Had she done this,you may have had a lot better chanc of stopping,instead of having to bail off.....
Sorry you had to lay it down.
First thing thru my head, was a misunderstanding of the flash signal.
I always ride with my high beam on.( Always)
Never turn it off unless I am behind another bike at night.
(Like that will ever happen.)
Or some real stupid persons needs to get tagged a few times to be convinced there 1988 Grand Caravan never belongs in the left lane anymore.
You recognized the problem early on with that particular car.
If you had stopped and yielded even though you had the right of way you would have only lost 5 seconds out of a day, been able to curse at her justifably under your helmet and blow by her in the next passing zone or whatever, leaving just the faint lingering of your exhaust note.

Every car on the road wants to hit every bike on the road.
You must ride thinking that you are totally invisible, everytime you hop on it.
+1 Timmyduck. Even though you may have the right of way, a biker is still the looser in an accident. Good advice about weaving, highbeam, and DO NOT flash your light, it does signal the other driver to proceed. One method I have used for years when coming up on a vehicle is to slow down, cover the brake, try to make eye contact with the driver,then concentrate my vision on the vehicles WHEELS rather than the complete vehicle. Looking at the wheels will give you the ability to detect the slightest movement of the vehicle and give you more time to react. This said, I'm glad you are OK, and your bike had minor damage. Please don't take this as a lecture. Your post and the response you receive hopefully will help another board member avoid an accident in the future.
In my area - "MOST" cagers make some sort of sign that they have seen me - they wave, thumbs-up, point at me, palm open and up in the air...I guess thats because there are a LOT of bikes in my area...a LOT.
Jt - glad your ok, plastics can always be replaced. I always run with my high-beam on & for added measure I use one of ICEMANN's Yellow bulbs - it gets plenty of attention as does the HID. I don't flash anyone - anymore, as it seems to unfortunately confuse some cagers more than anything, they dont know if your saying Go-ahead, or Stay-there...but why does that even shock me, heck some cagers can't even figgure out stop signs mean stop, and yellow light dont mean Go-faster.
did you say it was a woman?

after we get all these illegals kicked out, we're going to need to do something about all these idiot a** women drivers
Yeah, let's line 'em up and kill 'em all

...jeez...that's the dumbest post I've seen in a long damn's just women...WTF...

+1 on what others have said; she may have taken your flashing of the old head light to mean it's okay to go...I do that often in my car and on the bike when I'm giving someone the okay to go...

Either way, sorry to hear that you went down but so glad you opted for plan B over "doing the Ben move" and planting your face in her windshield...the Busa can be fixed easily enough
I am totally good, boot is a little scuffed, jacket a little torn, and the plastics a little scratched... nothing that cannot be fixed... I flashed the beams way back when I saw her approach the intersection rather hurredly, just to make sure she saw me coming but that was atleast 2 city blocks back... once I saw her eyes staying in my direction I do as I always do and move over to the farthest lane from the outside or the inner lane, looking her in the eye the whole time, it was not until I got 30-40 feet from the intersection, (and I should clarify I was on a main thoroughfair and she was on a side road, no lights or stop signs) that she looked to the right, looked back left right at me and shot out.... I put it into a slide to the right thinking I could slip behind her but she freakin stopped..... thanks for everyones concern, this board really is great, I left for work last night, got back this AM and BAM... alot of concern.... thanks again...
It's possible she didn't even see you flash the lights...I've tossed a hand in the air or do what Rev said and weave a bit just to get them to see you...bikes blend in so much with the background for a cager, they just don't see you...

I am very disappointed that she left the scene though...did you get her tags? No amt of fear of what I might get a ticket for would make me flee the scene of ANY accident, especially if it's a biker that's gone down...I would have had to stop and make sure you were okay...hope she's worried to death right now that you got her tags...
I am very disappointed that she left the scene though...did you get her tags?  
I did not unfortunately, the shock and rage took over and my thoughts were only to attack that which attacked me... when she pulled off all I could think about was what I was going to find when I lifted up my ride....