Was nice putting the faces with the username from the board.I hope you gals/guys did pick up some good tips and when I get my braided front brake lines installed I will go over the pit falls on that installation and I will also go over a X10 hookup and demo the video quality of the system.The thing I like about the X10 is that it is in color,it has audio and the price reasonable.I will also be working on a mount for my radar detector and police scanner.I like the way Crab had his Valentine Radar detector setup.Maybe we can all get together and design a better mounting hardware for the radar detector and possible micro-camera setup for a heads up display for the rear and talk shop about other things that we can improve on the Hayabusa.Future date will be setup and maybe you gals/guys can comeup with a date or time that you can be free to meet.Again it was nice meeting everyone.For the rest of the group,Crab and I believe it was Calvin and I went around to the various MC stores in the Santa Clara Valley and here are the price for the rear tires BT"stock tire"Road rider $128, Cycle Gear $154, Santa Clara Grand Prix $180; Sports Pilots "180" Road Rider$148-$158, Cycle Gear $170, Grand Prix $190-$210,the different in price range shows that Road Rider is the Best Deal.Ride Safe
[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 11 June 2000).]