my ridding buddies have stopped calling, changed thier numbers, and don't answer the door anymore, my old man just sits in his favorite chair on the porch in front of his house, surrounded by his closest friends,staring into space, mumbling to himself about how i went so wrong and my poor dear ol mom bursts into tears at the very sight of me!
and why?
all because of the new(to me) 2000 red and grey busa sitting in my drive way!
i should probably mention that before i had my brain fart, as dad puts it, generations upon generatons of my family- as witnesed in the sacred bible of vin numbers- were die hard harely riders.
and i was too---untill one day i happen to catch a busa rider stopped long enough to ask a few questions and get a good look at his ride.
it was love at first site!!
now a few months later and many hours of browsing this awsome site! i'm the proud owner of one of my own.
my god this is a sweet machine!!!!
it's been a couple of weeks now and almost two thousand miles and i can't get enough.
speeking of which...looks like the rains i'm out of here!
btw i know you guys like pics
and why?
all because of the new(to me) 2000 red and grey busa sitting in my drive way!
i should probably mention that before i had my brain fart, as dad puts it, generations upon generatons of my family- as witnesed in the sacred bible of vin numbers- were die hard harely riders.
and i was too---untill one day i happen to catch a busa rider stopped long enough to ask a few questions and get a good look at his ride.
it was love at first site!!
now a few months later and many hours of browsing this awsome site! i'm the proud owner of one of my own.
my god this is a sweet machine!!!!
it's been a couple of weeks now and almost two thousand miles and i can't get enough.
speeking of which...looks like the rains i'm out of here!
btw i know you guys like pics