She's gone...

I know, right?! I mean, he traded the Busa for a Chevy?!
I get paid to drive a ford all day. Current one has 36000 miles and has gone through a trans., AC unit, and they replaced the cooling system. Nope. Our local Ford dealer is crap at best. I was looking at a GMC but it was in Texas. Hey, it's a GM product. I bought it from all of us! :thumbsup:
sorry to hear this but i understand your reasons...the corner sure is getting empty :down:
Hank, it is just a machine... the friendships however will last a lifetime.. come on back to Bash or other MnG's when you can... Glad you did what was in your heart and hope the little one feels better... Really pretty large of you to make the decision...

Hey there are more out ther you can always get gen II in the future and now you got a bad truck to trailer it:beerchug:. Hey come to the spring bash and you can ride the candy cain :thumbsup::cheerleader:
I guess my weak attempt at talking some sense into you was in vain :poke:

:beerchug: on the new toy :cheerleader:

Eagle Auto Huh?
You've been around a while PD. I'm going to be in a similar situation soon. I'm 62, and I see a day when it won't make sense for me to ride anymore.

At least you got a new toy and not a walker! Best of luck to you.
Tough decision made for very good reasons. Please don't be a stranger around here.
Hey guys. Thanks for making me feel better about the decision. Trust me, it wasn't an easy one. Don't worry, I won't be any stranger around here than most.

Yes Glyn, you are correct on Eagle Auto. Hey, don't tell anyone.... there is another Busa in my garage. It's not mine, but I know where the key is... :whistle:
Charlie, you gotta do what is best for you and your family, and you did. :beerchug: Like others have said, come back to the bashes and hang out, you can ride my bike if you want. The thing with Don has also made me question a few things in my life. I hope the next time I am in NYC you can come with Brian and have dinner with us. The new truck looks great, I guess it will go better with the snow up north. :D

Take care,

Tim :)
Like the others here, I strongly respect your decision to hang it up! The way I see it, if the passion for riding and that need for speed and perfomance no longer exists, what's the point in continuing; especially in a high risk sport like this one! Good luck in your future endeavors! :thumbsup:
SoRRy to see you sell the busa, but I undeRstand your Reason. YouR still family, and I hope you will stay on the oRg.
Hey guys. Thanks for making me feel better about the decision. Trust me, it wasn't an easy one. Don't worry, I won't be any stranger around here than most.

Yes Glyn, you are correct on Eagle Auto. Hey, don't tell anyone.... there is another Busa in my garage. It's not mine, but I know where the key is... :whistle:

HAA i was just gonna say you got Brian's in the garage LOL!!!!