(Wag @ Jan. 01 2007,18:49) Should have mentioned I already have a quote for ~ $400 from the same guy who did the fronts.
That thing is a BEYOTCH to get outta there! Jeez! have to take the gas tank off, the dogbones, etc. etc. If I want to replace the dogbones (which I do) I have to take the pipe off. Despite all of that, however, that wasn't the hard part. They have those damn bolts torqued on there at about three hundred thousand foot pounds, no joke!
Well, maybe not quite THAT much but I literally had to beat four bolts off with a hammer. Not a pleasant thought if you consider the possibility of rounding off a bolt head.
But it's all off and ready to go visit the doctor tomorrow. Should have it back in about a week if all goes well.
Could not find a Penske dealer with web info for the Busa shock. Traxxion Dynamics, same thing. Penske shocks' web site is under construction and they don't have the old one up any more. The Ohlins, as I recall, were about $800 give or take some change. Don't think I need to take it that far.
Also, the service manual states very clearly that the shock is not serviceable and should be replaced if it starts to go bad. Strange that it would say that. The Haynes book doesn't mention anything about servicing it at all.
Eh. I'm just going to have Greg baby it like he did the fronts.
The nice thing is, there are several other maintenance things I can do with this baby now that I have her all apart and spread all over my garage!