I did mines also. It was a piece of cake. You may need the proper tool to get the new master link installed properly. If you have a set of pit-bull stands this will make it really easy. Last suggestion, get the recommended torque for the bolts. I got mines from all things Chrome and it included everything (Extension, Chain, and Brake-line) unfortunately I do not remember the torque settings. I attached a photo showing my 2004 & 08. The 08 is scretched. I hope the photo posted properly.
stretched 5.5".
somewhere between 6 and 7. and before the green and white paint.
I did mines also. It was a piece of cake. You may need the proper tool to get the new master link installed properly. If you have a set of pit-bull stands this will make it really easy. Last suggestion, get the recommended torque for the bolts. I got mines from all things Chrome and it included everything (Extension, Chain, and Brake-line) unfortunately I do not remember the torque settings. I attached a photo showing my 2004 & 08. The 08 is scretched. I hope the photo posted properly.