According to a recent study, more women than men cheat these days! If my memory serves me correctly, 62% of women cheat at some point in their life. The number for men was slightly under 50%.
According to this particular study, most affairs begin at the work place. With far more marriages failing than succeed I can understand why both men and women (Especially successful ones) become totally gunshy!
I too was once married to my two wonderful kid's mom for 12 years. I have now been single for almost half my life. Although I dearly love women, I doubt I'll ever get married again. What's the point?
And for you fellas who say you were divorced and your wife didn't ask for anything? Well, that's because you had nothing to ask for. If you were Bill Gates or Tiger Woods you can bet your sweet arse her attitude would have been just a little bit different.
My advise is, take nothing for granted. You may very well be happy in a happy relationship today and tomorrow find yourself listening to these famous words "I love you but I'm no longer IN LOVE WITH YOU"!
Look out for yourself and your own best interest because no one else is going to look out for you, expecially when it comes to money!