That was just plain mean Rev. I WAS sorta shocked because I've never seen you get on anyone quite that hard. Almost made me feel sorry for Tuf.Yeah, I was hoping for a little more vitriol outta TufBusa to be honest.
Sorta ended up being more one sided than I had intended. Though the thread did shoot to 250 views wicked quick!
RacerV especially got a bit fired up... Talking about Man enough while complaining about numb kibble and bits?
Mostly though i was impressed with everyone's restraint while I'm
Do it again Do it again---Tuf, this time you be the bad guy~!~
I wasn't really fired up, I was just shocked that you would talk to Steve that way and I was stickin up for my brother! And yes my bits are numb...only when I am riding in straight lines.Yeah, I was hoping for a little more vitriol outta TufBusa to be honest.
Sorta ended up being more one sided than I had intended. Though the thread did shoot to 250 views wicked quick!
RacerV especially got a bit fired up... Talking about Man enough while complaining about numb kibble and bits?
Mostly though i was impressed with everyone's restraint while I'm
Sitting is not a sport. There is no World Champion of Sitting. No governing body to ensure that when two people try to out sit each other, they do it by the rules. Because sitting is not a sport.
Unfortunately, most people who buy a busa do just that. They hit the starter button, raise the kickstand, gently release the clutch and sit their a$$es off. There's nothing wrong with these people. They just bought the wrong bike. A busa is not designed to be sat on. It's designed to be hung off of, moved around on, constantly manipulated beneath the rider. A self-propelled platform upon which a sport takes place.
Before you buy a busa, take a moment to think about what you really want to do on it. If the answer involves sitting, you may want to consider something different. A porch swing maybe or one of those floating pool chairs?
Owning a busa has
I love the ice-cream the green one pistachio? great picture at the exactly correct moment...2 hip
there is enough of me hanging over the side already. I'll just have to practice "smoothe" By the way, if the ice cream on the left is butter pecan, I've got dibs.
Its like the guys that cant wheelie hating on guys that can .