SMT LED's - The wait is over!

Mikey D - Good luck with the bench testing. I'm sure you'll get it working just fine. I know what you mean by "not knowing what to work on". Are you doing a frame-off restoration? What model, color, powertrain, etc ?

Sounds like some good winter projects. Oh, wait a minute, you're in ARIZONA. Do you have winter there? :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
.40 any quanity SMT's and resistor chips 100 for $2.00 thats what I'm talkn about.  Good lQQkn out MIke D.. :wink:
My bad. The leds are .49 in low quantity (still 1/5th the price of retail)

Here is a link to the page with the SMT LED's

Never posted a link before, hope it works.

I'm kinda OCD and stayed up trying to determine where I went wrong. For some bizzare reason I cannot measure the current these things use. Yes I tried hooking the Ammeter inseries witha working circuit & no bueno. When I get back Monday I'm going to use the actual voltage drop accross the resistor to calc current, (Mentally figured with what I can remember it is about 60mA @ 4V(Quite high for an LED!)

Ahh well, will continue this saga Monday.

Thanks for all your suport guys (and gals!)
Mikey D - Good luck with the bench testing.  I'm sure you'll get it working just fine.  I know what you mean by "not knowing what to work on".  Are you doing a frame-off restoration?  What model, color, powertrain, etc ?

Sounds like some good winter projects.  Oh, wait a minute, you're in ARIZONA.  Do you have winter there? :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
'71 Chevelle hard top (no center window posts) currently it is about 3 different colors now.  Will be a rich blue when finished.  350 with a bit of lumpity lump in the cam (a b!tch to get through emmissions!) and a bit o chrome, and a built T-350.  I'm setting it up to be a highway car so I have a 2.56 rear in it (Yes you read corectly 2.56).  No posi so it will still leave a black marker streak in the street.  Dual exhaust w/ turbo mufflers (Sounds awesome with that cam in it.)  Dash is thrashed, interior was redone by guy that owned it before me (friend of a a friend).  Still lotsa work to be done.

Yes we have winter here.  It is currently a nipple-b-freezin 50 something degrees out!  I told Momma that I wanted to turn the heat on today and she said, "That's what sweat shirts are for."

Yes I'm PW.   :bowdown:   And l love it!
When in doubt call tech support .
I've talked with one of the
"techs" there. They claim that they are only a clearing house and if they have no specs on a part they cannot help. It sure would be helpful to know the current rating on thse puppies. See prior post.
Mikey D,

The car sounds cool :cool: . My Chevelle had a 2.73 open rear end. It sucked off the line, but out on the highway, what a screamer. Have you thought about putting an O/D tranny in it? The 200-R4 is supposed to be a direct fit, although some have had to shorten their driveshaft about 3/4". You could get the best of both worlds then, even if you went with a 3.08.

Good luck on it.
Mikey D,

The car sounds cool :cool: .  My Chevelle had a 2.73 open rear end.  It sucked off the line, but out on the highway, what a screamer.  Have you thought about putting an O/D tranny in it?  The 200-R4 is supposed to be a direct fit, although some have had to shorten their driveshaft about 3/4".  You could get the best of both worlds then, even if you went with a 3.08.

Good luck on it.
The long range plans include a 700R4 (built so it don't blow apart as they sometimes do) and a throttle body fuel injection kit. I like the locking clutch of the 700R and the throttle body's lack of clogability over the port injection.

But we are talking years away!
Mikey D,

Just a word of advice on the TBI unit. My Chevelle had an older Holley ProJection TBI, and I hated it, but I'll explain.

The older units did not have the capability to compensate the changes in air density due to temperature. The control box had pods to allow adjustment for the air/fuel mixture (low/med/power range), accel pump, choke (fast idle). This makes five knobs to mess with. The box stuck out from under the passenger seat, so you could adjust it while driving. It had an A/F Ratio LED bar graph on the dash to show you the mixture which was read from an O2 sensor. This was a major PITA, but worked well once you got it set for that temp.

Advice: Make sure the system you get has a MAP sensor to determine air density/flow. I think the newer Holley system does it because it is a digital control vs. the analog that I had. If I were to keep the car, I would have switched back to a nice Holley 750 spreadbore. The venturies automatically account for the changes in air density.

The 700R4 tranny may have some clearance issues with the firewall/tunnel. Cant remember. Make sure you get the short tailshaft model.

Try this website out. You can browse for free but it will cost you $20/yr to be a member, and be able to post. TONS of great information over there.

This is really getting off topic, huh? :biggrin:
Yea you Thread wrecker poster!

But great info anyway.  The Holly TBI unit I checked out 2-3 years ago had a computer (with a map I assume) to run it all.

Like I said, this is years away.  I'm trying to make this into a family/gas milage car.  Sounds silly but I'm shooting for 25 mpg.  I think it would be kinda cool to have a ballsy 350 that didn't take you to the bank avery week for a fill up.

Also, I'm not familiar with the 200-R4  Does it have a locking torque converter and an overdrive?


<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>BTW - More on the SMT LED's SOON!</span>
Mikey D, I tried sending this by PM four times, but never got the confirmation. It said: "sent to." Just the period, nothing else. So I'm thread wrecking again. :biggrin:

Mikey D,

Here's some links for you regarding the Chevelle. I just figured I would send them through here instead of posting them on the thread.

200-4R Info Page

Another 200-4R Page

TCI Transmission Page - measurement data too

Summit Racing - Good parts source

This is the TBI that I had - POS!

Holley Commander-950 TBI (All models)

Holley Commander-950 TBI 700cfm w/ speed density!

Automotive Calculations - Cool Stuff

That should keep you busy for a while. I've got lots more bookmarks. If you need any other type of info just let me know.

Take care,

PS- Always make sure you put a message title in the box before you hit "send", because when you "go back", ALL of your message body is gone, and you have to do it over.

OK folks, we're getting closer.  I'm going to dispense with as much math as possible.  Suffice to say that I got them to work at 14.5V with around a 150 ohm resistor.  At that point I touched the resistor & it was too hot to handle.  Calculated current & it seems I was sending .7W through a 1/4 watt resistor!  


Today I'm going to try to lower the current even further and use a pair of resistors in parallel to soak up some of the heat.

Think cool thoughts for me!

This is almost like work!
This is where you have to use all that parallel/series type math, huh?

Better you than me :biggrin:

Thoughts = :cool: :cool: :cool:
R1 + R2 + R3 ...=R(total) "Series"

1 + 1 + 1 = R(total) "Parallel"
R1 R2 R3

I had to learn all that crap back in 1985, and it's still not any fun :)