Snake already...really~?~


1 wheel up aero testing
Donating Member
It's not even Spring and I had a little surprise yesterday~!~

Wish I had my camera because I know "this thread is useless without pics" :laugh:

I am used to seeing snakes and skins around here but if they are smart they usually stay clear of my house and drive way (apparently some can't read the no tresspassing snakes sign at the back)

I went to get into my SUV yesterday and caught a glimpse of something hanging out the bottom. Leaned down and a snake had crawled into the running board apparently heading towards the heat of the engine. He snagged on the way through and left me a little snake skin.

As long as he stays OUTSIDE, we'll get along just fine~!!~
spiders already too, heck i would have thought the freeze we had would have zapped them
I'm just waiting for one to surprise me when I'm under the truck working...would be a little tight~!~ :firing:
Snakes!!!!!!! I hate snakes!!!!!! Lol

DSCF3561 (Medium).JPG
Here's the last one I took a picture of venturing a little close...never did find his head~!~

I like snakes as long as long as they are pets and stay in cages. I would even own one as a pet.
Outlaw I may be wrong but that snake looks like a cottonmouth by the markings.
be careful !

Hope you popped it first from afar ?
Took the 12 to it...

Looked close enough to a cotton mouth for me but common vote was it was a milk snake.

Don't really care if it's poisonous or not, that close to the dogs and it'll be a $500 vet bill either way to find out~!~

I had just placed my infant son into the SUV when spotting the skin...and the other snake for that matter (the one I killed).

Just too close, I don't care how much some people say don't kill snakes...if they are that closed to my pets or family their not making it home~!!~