It kind of sits in a channel, the thicker part of it is on the back side of the cases.....
yessir, i looked up pics of cases on ebay/psychobike/ETC and its a solid 1/8" lip that holds that pushrod oil seal in place. beyond the seal is a larger shaft with gears on it. In "theory" i could pluck the damaged seal out, then weasel in the new one via flexing it to fit within the bore and massage it into place with 90* pics/drivers/etc. Wishfull thinking, because theres no way im gonna tear apart the engine like that for a $5 seal install. If i have to, upom repairing it, i will sell the bike shortly afterwards out of spite.
Out of all the design flaws that suzuki could have made, i found the mack daddy of them all. Its not like that clutch pushrod seal sees heavy action, it MAYBE moves a 1/4" in/out. Soo why not make that clutch pushrod oil seal a simple exterior push tight/fit install should it wear or tear over time? NNOOOOOOOO tearing down a solid running engine requiring the cases to be split makes more sense.... END RANT... I'l keep you guys posted as progress deteriorates...