Saiid, running from the cops is a felony. It's called "Felony Evasion". I'm sure cops in every state are either encouraged or required to have their weapon at the ready during a felony arrest.
And I might add that you are apt to get roughed up when you get caught. If you run and get caught don't complain if you reach your cell with a few bruises because nobody except the attorneys care!
However, there must be some serious aligations for the bail to be set at $100K. Seems unreasonable but who knows what went on during the chase?
If that's true why did they only charge him with 'suspicion of reckless driving' a misdemeanor ? Run and get roughed up I agree with . Do the crime do the time I agree with . I wasn't there and maybe the writer is just glorifying a nothing story ?
Just the way it's written and for what he did as well as the $100k bail things don't jibe ?