So lets start a list of who is attending the bash!

Loomis MicroTel Wed/Sun.
BigBSBusa MicroTel Thur/Sun (taking Rockadaous' place)
Georgiabusa_05. Wednesday - Sunday (Phillips Motel.)
dolilind Late thurs-sun (phillips 112)
jdsbusa - Thurs-Sun
Liquidysplit - Sunday - Sunday Two Wheel Inn.
Twotonevert and Mrs Twotone, Wed thru Sun, Microtel
ChattanoogaBusa & MrsChattanoogaBusa, Friday-Sunday, San-Ran Motel
SAMBUSA - Monday(late)or Tues. - Sunday, Phillips.
In10SS - Wed late-Sunday Phillips
SilverSurfer and BusaPebbles Thursday-Sunday at the Microtel
RTGT ride up on Thurs. or Fri. depends on forecast
Doc/Jules - Wed-Sunday
fstbusa - Wednesday - Sunday noon
Captain / Mrs. Captain - Sunday - Sunday
RVtech24 / Guest Thurs-Sunday
Grumpy, MrsGrumpy, LilMissGrumpy --- Sunday to Sunday
99 busa-thur LATE -sunday
BlondeOnaBusa and YH2K Wednesday - Sunday at the Phillips
semi wednesday - sunday
Dan & HRHDi - Wednesday (late) - Sunday at the Phillips
brendanp sun-sun phillips rm 201
Sweet Tea Man, Werdkat, and possibly wizeguy at the two wheel inn friday-late sunday
acehole, Thursday morning thru Sunday, Phillips rm114
Lycan + Dan Wed to Sunday Microtel
Wardie & guest Bob Schoenfeld Thur-Sun Iron Horse M/C Lodge
Macfast and Son of Macfast Wensday night to sunday at the Phillips 1 guest maybe
gixerhp +3, Sun to Sun, Phillips cabin 201
ORGBUSA08 & wife with Chris & his wife Candy Micro suites
00BusaTX +1 Wed to Sun, Phillips
Leo +1 Wed - Sun, Undecided Location
Rayabusa0818 Thursday - Sunday Phillips 110 Sherry may come Friday after work
Fishhook- Wed- Friday, rooming with Loomis
tufbusa Phillips rm 201
VaBusa - arriving Thursday, leaving Sunday (Phillips)
MobyD - Andy (Vabs friend on a Harley) arrives Friday night, leaving Sunday
djsin +2 microtel thur-sun cell 574 904 8146 Todd...friends are Troy, Almir
dadofthree and 2BMrsDO3
Trekfuel + 1 microtel Thursday till monday morning
Busa159 and Ward
Lavinrac ill be there from Wednesday - Sunday
omslaw - Thurs - Sunday (Phillips)
Justtight and the misses(microtel) fri-sun
RacerV - +7 Bringing family and babysitters so Mrs. can ride Thursday night thru Sunday Staying in the driveway of cottage 205.
Semperfi riding in Friday from IL and riding out Sunday. Staying at the Microtel
Firedog-Mon to Sunday riding w/ Sambusa staying w Acehole as his maid & whoever else
Redfalco - Saturday only - 10am till 7pm
WarBirdII Weds. morning I should be there. Rooming with DnGrumpy and Mrs. Grumpy
Pappy & Steve(ZX14) arriving Thursday, staying at Phillips rm 101
BusaWhipped and CrashtestDanny - Phillips Motel rm 116 Wed - Sun (I moved your name Dan.)
Harros Friday-Sunday
GSX1300R-T and Ronsbking arriving Fri afternoon/Leaving Sun morn
busastalker05 - - possibly sat only
Powers739 Thur-Sunday Phillips... Room 111
Punisher and Apex--Thursday-Saturday....Microtel
Trashy 24/26
Katslair 24th - 26th

put my cell number in so anyone doing something fun or stupid please call so i can either participate or witness