Some needed changes tonight!

Where are we going darling?

Well my dear.... we are off to the bag!!!!ersball.:laugh:

Death threats? Holy shait Batman (waiting impatiently to see if I can still post). Jeez Doug how childish. Hang in ther a big thank for all u do!
CAP, Wow, I can not imagine going through all that you, your family, and our admins have gone through! It really saddens me, but at least you have a plan to deal with it. I support you 100% and thanks for keeping the org up and running. I know I don't post a lot anymore, but I still love to get on here and read all the great posts!

Death threats and harassment of any kind are the methods of cowards! Don't allow them to impact your world. They aren't worth it!
If you kick me off, I will be sitting in your hot tube in the morning..... not getting out until you let me back...:whistle:

Uh, Am I the only one who is hoping this is a typo? I mean change a few other words around, couple it with that group hug picture and we've got trouble.
Dayum, and I only sent Kristie a pair of nuts... things have changed... :laugh:
Captain thanks for letting us enjoy the freedoms we do in your house! A very special place we like to call the oRg...
Now about that tube UncleSteve :poke:
All I can say about this place is that its helped me make friends from Delaware to Oregon,and from North Dakota to Texas-all a better class of people than those in this town I live in.... THAT, my friends is nothing short of amazing and a blessing.
Thank You all:beerchug::thumbsup: Ride on & ride safe(most of the time:whistle::laugh:)
Thanks Doug for making this happen:bowdown::bowdown::beerchug:
Damn Doug! I didnt know it was this bad! No worries from me! I just :poke: do that to the ones I know! And :rofl:! And :moon:! And :whistle:! And:beerchug:! And :thumbsup:! I think you get the point..... This is a great place to be a member and to make friends!:cheerleader: Thanks Doug!:beerchug:
25,000 members...

If 1% were unhappy and thought to express this to the admins at any giving time is still 250 complaints to deal with. Not fun by any standards. Then to compile the rare few who go the extra mile...

Glad we don't have 25k members posting all the time. A persons eyes would bleed! :laugh:
I am Cool..................Told You Guys about the Death Threats :whistle:

Some People just Need to Get a Life. The ORG is NOT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
