Some needed changes tonight!

I don't know where you come up with the werewithal to put up with it or the wisdom to make the decisions you do, but thanks again Cap. Again, it like you let all of us into your house on the org. I feel my skin getting thicker already!:banana:
in light of the MIA members... I think this could use a "bump"

Doug knocks himself out keeping this place fun and family friendly...
Can't believe that anybody would call Captain with a death threat. Death threat? unbelievable! Can't wait to see you again at the stampede cap!
I see this place as a family. It's been said before, but bears repeating: We squabble and argue, yet would not hesitate to help each other out if the need arose.
This is truly how I feel about this place.
thanks Cap.
Oh yeah, death threats and ugly messages? Seriously? That's lame.
in light of the MIA members... I think this could use a "bump"

Doug knocks himself out keeping this place fun and family friendly...

Yeah thanks Bogus. As a newish member, I never ran across this post in all my org travels. I've actually broken the 3rd rule when everyone was paying out Owen, wish I didn't in light of this post. Happy I'm still here, really not worth losing my membership over. :please:

Thanks for the bump :thumbsup:
Wow death treats!! Talk about going overboard.

A gruff SGT told me some great advice, "Don't take life too seriously. You won't get out of it alive."

And thank you for not banning due to spelling errors.

Thanks for the bump Mr bogus.
Your site, Your :rulez: We all know where the door is. Ive shown a few friends threads and topics here, they were amazed how nice most people are. I hope this sorts some things out and we can get back to bein friends and talkin Busa.
lol, what idiot sends death threats because of an INTERNET FORUM ? no one has you by the short hairs, go somewhere else:laugh:.
"I will be kicking this off tonight at midnight, as with this freedom I will also be closing the accounts of several people that I know have violated these very conditions in the recent past or who cause more problems than peace to the org…


Thank God!
I didn't check the date of this forum and I started to sweat a bit while reading this. Luckily I used my smarts (some may say differ) and noticed the dates were earlier then today. :whistle:
I didn't check the date of this forum and I started to sweat a bit while reading this. Luckily I used my smarts (some may say differ) and noticed the dates were earlier then today. :whistle:
actually he waited until last night... :) (well close as I could tell)...
i have to admit, the cursing one is my bane....

i curse like a pirate in real life amoung my friends, its just the repor we use... and that carries over easily into forums...

so i slip up regularly....

this makes the limiting time period on editing posts, kind of a pain as well hehehe