Something to consider

(thrasherfox @ May 31 2007,20:45) Once again I find it laughable that only about 1/4 if that of the original post mentioned anything about God, the rest was about other issues non religous, yet all the non Christians start jumping on the religion bandwagon and making it allllll about God and Christianity and religion.
Since I'm the only one to question the initial post, I'll ask you how I ever questioned the validity of Christianity, God or religion. I only questioned the implied joining of church and public schools. The entire first part of your pasted post supports such a joining, unless I'm misreading. Poppy's comment was well timed. I would never estimate myself worthy of judging someone's decision to devote their life to Christ or whichever faith they follow. This decision is a very personal matter which, in my very humble opinion, is only defiled when subjected to argument. The same holds true for agnostics, their decision begs not to be questioned. To have organized prayer in public schools approaches this. Anybody can quietly pray in school. That is not in question. Please forgive me if my post offended anyone.
hey Rubb, you know they are skirting the laws now by CREATING aftifical "art", right? They are making FAKE child porn that does not involve REAL children, but high quality computer rendered kids in compromised position - and trying to make sure the law can not touch that. After the quality goes up, who will know what is really real and what isn't? I'm not sure where the legalities of that are today as I have not kept following that info
(Red05 @ Jun. 01 2007,07:01)
(thrasherfox @ May 31 2007,20:45) Once again I find it laughable that only about 1/4 if that of the original post mentioned anything about God, the rest was about other issues non religous, yet all the non Christians start jumping on the religion bandwagon and making it allllll about God and Christianity and religion.
Since I'm the only one to question the initial post, I'll ask you how I ever questioned the validity of Christianity, God or religion. I only questioned the implied joining of church and public schools. The entire first part of your pasted post supports such a joining, unless I'm misreading. Poppy's comment was well timed. I would never estimate myself worthy of judging someone's decision to devote their life to Christ or whichever faith they follow. This decision is a very personal matter which, in my very humble opinion, is only defiled when subjected to argument. The same holds true for agnostics, their decision begs not to be questioned. To have organized prayer in public schools approaches this. Anybody can quietly pray in school. That is not in question. Please forgive me if my post offended anyone.
Actually it was you and Poppy also made a reference to religion.

There is also a little background that seems anytime the religion subject comes up people start hammering on Christians (guess I am a little sensitive at the moment)

My reason for posting it was primarily for the meat of the post which was NOT dealing with the God issue, however I didn’t feel comfortable removing the God part out just to appease the non believers.

I will address your comment and question about what religion the schools should follow. The quick answer is how about Christianity? I am not just saying that because I am a Christian, I am mainly stating this because Christianity is what this country was based on when it is formed (well when we took it from the Indians, totally different argument and subject) but the country we live in now, its laws and principals were based on Christianity

Our country was founded on Christian principals.

If people do not believe in Christianity and it bothers them that much, maybe they should move somewhere where they will feel more comfortable. But don’t try to change the United States to fit your beliefs.

This is the exact same concept as illegal immigrants coming here and trying to make our country accommodate them instead of them blending into our society.

This country started out very solid and grew. This country gained the respect of the world, we have always been looked at as the savior of the world just about. A free country where all could live and do what they want with out condemnation.

This country has always been the one to pull other countries rear ends out of the fire. And all the time we had prayer in schools, God was not something the country was ashamed to acknowledge and hide.

An American always knew what was right and what was wrong. Children were raised up in loving caring homes (for the most part), taught right and wrong as it pertains to the Christian bible and while you will always have cancer in everything (including organizations, governments, religion) for the most part our country had a good moral compass and all was well.

Anyone, non believers and believers alike can look at our country and its time line and You can map a direct correlation between the removing of God and the bible from our lives and the increase in immorality, loss of moral direction and also the growing lack of respect and appreciation from other countries that we once had.

Take the bible for example. If people took the bible and JUST read it and used it as a life manual on how to live, how to treat others and followed it, our country would get back on track.

I am talking about using the bible as a so called “self help†book. There are ALLLL kinds of books that are on the market on how to live better, how to be happier, honestly, even without God in the picture and without having a belief in God, the bible is one of the best self help books out there.

A non believer could read proverbs in the bible, and if they tried their best to follow everything in the book of proverbs, their lives would be changed and more than likely for the better.

But we have taken this life manual away from the schools, we have taken it out of the homes so without life’s instruction book, families are left to try and figure out what is right and wrong on their own based on how they feel, what they FEEL is right and wrong or what the government tells them is right or wrong.

So in my opinion to answer your original question, allow the religion in the schools that this country was founded on, and what worked for this country and what contributed to this country becoming a super power.

Usually ANYTHING a human does in life, when it starts to go bad, or something doesn’t work, we always do a thing that is called “go back to the drawing boardâ€

We have lots and lots of diseases in this world, pretty much everyone agrees our politicians are all corrupt, we are being screwed by the oil companies, electric companies etc. more and more children are being molested and taken advantage of, more women are being physically abused. Drugs are running ramped, and we have teenagers killing teenagers.

All of the problems we are having in the world and especially in this country is addressed in the bible, the pitfalls, and what to do to fix the problems we have.

Our country is falling to pieces, I don’t think this country has ever been more divided in numerous areas, and more and more people are becoming dissatisfied in their lives, with their families, with their jobs with everything..

We probably have never experienced the lowest respect from other countries as we are experiencing now. Our motives are questioned by other countries and instead of being looked at as a liberator we are being called an occupier. In our countries history Iraq is the first time we have ever for the most part conducted a pre-emptive strike.

Something is broke, no one seems to know how to fix it. So why don’t we do what everyone normally does when something isn’t working and they don’t know how to fix it? Go back to the drawing board, go back to basics, and in this case, go back to the principals this once great country was founded on.

And one last parting comment, the bible is a good thing for Christians to have and read, but all in all if a Christian really has the holy spirit within them and they know how to listen, the holy spirit can guide them through life without the need of a bible.

Moses didnt have a bible, Adam and Eve didnt have a bible, they had God in their hearts, they knew how to listen and follow the leading of the spirit.

The bible in a lot of ways are meant as an instruction book for people that dont have this internal moral compess. It provides all the information needed on how to treat people, deal with crime and to forgive others.

As I said, if non belivers could get over the whole 'God thing" and just read the bible for what it is, lifes manual, I think most would be surprised at how much they could get out of it
Whoa! Very good stuff there Thrasher. I DO know how to fix it and I am trying to do my part.

hey red05, I'm not offended - I'm just used to the Atheist boards where I have to be kinda aggressive sounding. I get a lil jumpy sometimes.... ok all the time!
(Red05 @ May 31 2007,17:00)
(shortcut @ May 31 2007,18:50) in my home-Christianity.
In your home, that's awesome! In school, however, with many kids from many different homes with different faiths, beliefs, ways of it want you want, there is no universal religious teaching that all kids, and parents, will agree with.
Teach them truth, Christianity (real Christianity, not tyrants perpetrating saints) is the only belief where the God we serve interacts with us. Noone in any other "belief" can say that. When Buddah died, HE DEAD! When Allah died, HE DEAD! When Jesus died, risen 3 days later! As for our children Proverbs 22:6 says: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

If we show them in word in lifestyle who God is to and within us, it will plant that seed that will germinate throughout there childhood>adolescence>early adulthood and so on.

It's tough, because everything I teach my son is NOT reinforced in school, so I have to cover him in prayer DAILY.
(WWJD @ May 31 2007,19:59) oooh oooh!  Another religious debate?  let me cover it:

- we can't use science to prove God exists
- you can't prove he doesn't
- christians are hypocrites
- so are regular folk
- God started all wars .... especially the CRUSADES
- good thing MAN has never started a war
- all christians are jugemental when they open their mouth
- so is everyone else, but nobody cares about what they say
- the church only exists to control people
- government, police, laws, peer pressure, common sense don't run our lives - WE'RE FREE!!
- big bang theory made everything
- yeah... um...... "Theory" ..... remember?
- what caused that bang?  Ask Aught6
- Satanism has nothing to do with Satan    ....uh....
- all religious holidays are rip offs of Pagan days
- for 2000+ years there has been eye witnessed, documented, written proof that Jesus existed yet many still don't believe he's anything more than fiction
- there is no proof what so ever of UFOs or Operah's God/Spirit within, but THAT is easier to belive somehow
- free speech means poopy, burnt flags, swasticas, and HATING our own government
- it does not mean any public displays of religous stuff
- religious people are SOOO messsed up
- ... and the billions yearly into "Therapy" and "Rehab" for everyone else, is just for fun?
- if God exists, he lets bad things happen.  he must secretly be evil
- well, I prefer a FREE WILL over slavery myself
- the church only wants my money
- right.  good thing the government, businesses, food, toys,  the superbowl are all free - no one makes a dime there
- all the religions are different proving there is not a "RIGHT" one
- ...and all those religions work hard at making people act eviler to each other
- the V shape in the last supper painting represents a 'gina and therefore Jesus was married
- 42? ? ?

Does that cover everything?
LOL, not much anyone can say after that
(yamahor @ May 31 2007,21:18) As for the Therapy and Rehab stuff... I firmly believe if it wasn't for the grace of God, I'd be BONKERS right now. No, I'm not the greatest Christian, and yes, I do screw up sometimes, but I've noticed there are direct reprocussions when I mess up in my religion...
Amen my man, I really don't know where I'd be right now were it not for the peace and joy of salvation. Probably somewhere 150lbs lighter with a dry cough LOL.

I've learned no I won't be perfect like Jesus, but I can be Holy (Complete-Mind/Body/Spirit) for He commanded it. I've also learned that while I am forgiven when I fall short (when I repent) there may still be consequences.

Good input, be encouraged and know we're all a work in progress, the question is how much are we being yielded to that work?

God bless
(BigDawg_03Busa @ Jun. 01 2007,12:41)
(yamahor @ May 31 2007,21:18) As for the Therapy and Rehab stuff... I firmly believe if it wasn't for the grace of God, I'd be BONKERS right now. No, I'm not the greatest Christian, and yes, I do screw up sometimes, but I've noticed there are direct reprocussions when I mess up in my religion...
Amen my man, I really don't know where I'd be right now were it not for the peace and joy of salvation.  Probably somewhere 150lbs lighter with a dry cough LOL.

I've learned no I won't be perfect like Jesus, but I can be Holy (Complete-Mind/Body/Spirit) for He commanded it.  I've also learned that while I am forgiven when I fall short (when I repent) there may still be consequences.  

Good input, be encouraged and know we're all a work in progress, the question is how much are we being yielded to that work?

God bless
Good to know there's more Christians out there. It is an encouragement, as I'm going through some points in my life with temptations right now.
(yamahor @ Jun. 01 2007,10:22)
(BigDawg_03Busa @ Jun. 01 2007,12:41)
(yamahor @ May 31 2007,21:18) As for the Therapy and Rehab stuff... I firmly believe if it wasn't for the grace of God, I'd be BONKERS right now. No, I'm not the greatest Christian, and yes, I do screw up sometimes, but I've noticed there are direct reprocussions when I mess up in my religion...
Amen my man, I really don't know where I'd be right now were it not for the peace and joy of salvation.  Probably somewhere 150lbs lighter with a dry cough LOL.

I've learned no I won't be perfect like Jesus, but I can be Holy (Complete-Mind/Body/Spirit) for He commanded it.  I've also learned that while I am forgiven when I fall short (when I repent) there may still be consequences.  

Good input, be encouraged and know we're all a work in progress, the question is how much are we being yielded to that work?

God bless
Good to know there's more Christians out there. It is an encouragement, as I'm going through some points in my life with temptations right now.
Dude!! lol..

Just because a peson is a Christian does not in anyway make it so temptations go away.

I am 45 and deal with temptations on a daily basis, they get mostly easier to deal with as you get older. But there will ALLWAYS be temptations to do things you feel is wrong.

hang tough with whatever you are going through. it will get better.. then worse.. then better.. its a rollercoaster
(thrasherfox @ Jun. 01 2007,13:25)
(yamahor @ Jun. 01 2007,10:22)
(BigDawg_03Busa @ Jun. 01 2007,12:41)
(yamahor @ May 31 2007,21:18) As for the Therapy and Rehab stuff... I firmly believe if it wasn't for the grace of God, I'd be BONKERS right now. No, I'm not the greatest Christian, and yes, I do screw up sometimes, but I've noticed there are direct reprocussions when I mess up in my religion...
Amen my man, I really don't know where I'd be right now were it not for the peace and joy of salvation.  Probably somewhere 150lbs lighter with a dry cough LOL.

I've learned no I won't be perfect like Jesus, but I can be Holy (Complete-Mind/Body/Spirit) for He commanded it.  I've also learned that while I am forgiven when I fall short (when I repent) there may still be consequences.  

Good input, be encouraged and know we're all a work in progress, the question is how much are we being yielded to that work?

God bless
Good to know there's more Christians out there. It is an encouragement, as I'm going through some points in my life with temptations right now.
Dude!! lol..

Just because a peson is a Christian does not in anyway make it so temptations go away.

I am 45 and deal with temptations on a daily basis, they get mostly easier to deal with as you get older. But there will ALLWAYS be temptations to do things you feel is wrong.

hang tough with whatever you are going through. it will get better.. then worse.. then better.. its a rollercoaster
I know that much... But it helps sometimes.
(Lamb busa @ Jun. 01 2007,13:41) Replace the pianist's sheet music with "Stairway to Heaven".
I was at church one sunday, and at the end of the service, the organist started playing. My friend Heather and I both turned and stared at each other. It sounded almost EXACTLY like Stairway!
Thanks for the comic relief, Lamb
. After Thrasher asked me to leave the country, I concluded that this thread was getting a bit

(Red05 @ Jun. 01 2007,11:44) Thanks for the comic relief, Lamb  
. After Thrasher asked me to leave the country, I concluded that this thread was getting a bit  

You havent left yet?



j/k of course
in god we trust and those who have differnet opions will deal on judgement day with the truth ,,, people will always be skeptic or have fear or whatever they think thas fine but the day will come and those that doubt him will see ..... nuuffff ssaid
(Red05 @ May 31 2007,16:35) I'm all about teaching kids, and if a spanking is called for, so be it. I agree that kids and teenagers need to learn responsibility and accountability.That said, how do you read any religious material with kids friom so many different faiths....what faith do you "teach"? Also, in the 70's, sex was very abundant in my high school...condoms or not. The availability of condoms was never an issue.
Though I teach my children to follow the Holy Bible as their guide, I understand why non-Christians would not want the public school system to force their children down that path.

The public school system should not be in the business of teaching religion to students. That is the responsibility of parents and churches. However, teachers and other students should not have their right to free speech abridged any more than president Clinton felt that his right to privacy should be abridged.

Furthermore, the public school system should not be in the business of attacking any students' or parents' religions any more than it should be in the business of promoting theories as scientific fact.
(WWJD @ Jun. 01 2007,06:44) ... you can't REASON with a 5 year old ...
Actually, since my Children were old enough to carry on a conversation I have always reasoned with them. However, reasoning with them never meant that they escaped the consequences of their actions. The Bible is pretty explicit on the best way to raise children:

Pro 23:13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. (which implies that if you don't beat a child, he shall die).

Eph 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

So when they did something wrong, after I calmed down, we'd have a little chat about it, make sure they understood what they did wrong, and then they got their come-uppance.

Now I've had one person accuse me of beating and torturing my children, but I have two straight-A students who are accomplished musicians, love each other, and love everyone they meet. They are generally regarded as being among the best-behaved children around and they don't resent the few times that their parents have had to discipline them. But the real answer to accomplishing this is when you need to discipline a child, do it in love:

Pro 13:24 He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him quickly.