somthing you might wana read

This type of thing has been around for quite a while and amazing you haven't heard of it. It is bad but a quick and deadly high...people have been known to do Dust off, butane, whipits, and glue and gas. I have tried it myself in Okinawa back in 1988. Boredom and too much drinking and just wanting to try different things. People will do anything for a high. Something else that some parents don't know about which happend recently here in Idaho is being knocked out. I am sure we have all done it and it has been around for a long long time. Getting knocked out by holding your breathe and a friend squeezing your chest or throat. You pass out then wake up. Unfortunately a young girl died of this just about a month ago here. Simply talk to your kids and hope for the best, we can't hold their hands 24/7....we all survived thru everything we did without helmets and all. take care and stay informed!!
Wow (hand on forehead)Kids will always find something,,,that we can be sure of.My kids 8 and twin 5 year olds how to protect them has been an issue of mine since they could walk,I'll prolly threaten them within inches of their lives but that's about all I can do, I mourn the loss of all younguns that pass it's just not right.:(
This type of thing has been around for quite a while and amazing you haven't heard of it.  It is bad but a quick and deadly high...people have been known to do Dust off, butane, whipits, and glue and gas.  I have tried it myself in Okinawa back in 1988.  Boredom and too much drinking and just wanting to try different things.  People will do anything for a high.  Something else that some parents don't know about which happend recently here in Idaho is being knocked out.  I am sure we have all done it and it has been around for a long long time.  Getting knocked out by holding your breathe and a friend squeezing your chest or throat.  You pass out then wake up.  Unfortunately a young girl died of this just about a month ago here.  Simply talk to your kids and hope for the best, we can't hold their hands 24/7....we all survived thru everything we did without helmets and all.  take care and stay informed!!
We used to do the knockout thing when I was in Jr High, that was in the early 80''s resurfacing again, eh?