Well, that has no effect on the Germans at the moment. We haven't received any gas from the Russians for weeks or a maximum of 5% of the usual production volume. Our gas storage tanks are 90% full, but are intended more as a reserve. 40% of households and the whole industry work with gas, that's a problem. Our chancellor and our economy minister go begging to both Saudis and try to get hold of gas everywhere. And since we haven't even built good LNG terminals in the EU, we can't even take the overpriced stuff from the States because we can't store it and ship it.
You feel like you are in a third world country. Shower less, heat less, drive less, less of EVERYTHING! Only industry and politicians should not be persuaded to give up.
We've just had a siren alarm exercise again, a strange feeling.
But no, the war is wanted, many say a proxy war by the USA, so that the Russians can finally be harmed without endangering their own soldiers.
Still others speak of a huge red herring because we need to camouflage an economic crisis and recession. It doesn't matter whether it's from the east or west media, you have the feeling that it's just propaganda.
Every day on TV the saying "Zelenski demands". Money, guns, more guns, better guns, more money, more help, more sacrifice. He sees it as a duty that Germans suffer and renounce. Aha.. nice for him!
So the question again, who would really benefit from this? Wouldn't the Russians have left evidence of the Ukrainians' guilt if their aim had really been to say "daaa look at it, they're sabotaging us, so we're going on with the war"? Or did the US simply take their chance, as has been predicted for ages? I don't think the Ukrainis sodliers are able to do such an operation, they're a bunch of cucumbers... I realize that many of those who don't understand the complicated weapons that we deliver.