Sorry ex wife!!!! Nsfw or children

Sorry for your pain, but think how your kid will feel if he ever hears this song. Don't know you either one of you, but a vengeful an selfish woman trying to turn your own child against you would share this vid. Good to vent an release pain but maybe leaving it around for others to see not a good idea. jmo

good luck.
I like it. If I heard this on the radio I would listen to it. Clean it up a little and you could be on to something good. You could make millions and then tell the ex thanks :laugh:
that place is a joke...

shame fathers can't stick together to get some ideals and policies changed so their get a fair shake....but they won't.

"That place" happens to be a list of many many websites that help father's obtain proper custody and so forth. So, you want to back up that statement?
"That place" happens to be a list of many many websites that help father's obtain proper custody and so forth. So, you want to back up that statement?

yep....followed it as many others locally have done...doesn't pan out in many areas of the country. Its another site for guys to collect a fee to pass off info that rarely ever pays out.
yep....followed it as many others locally have done...doesn't pan out in many areas of the country. Its another site for guys to collect a fee to pass off info that rarely ever pays out.

Some years back with their (fathers for equal rights) help I was able to obtain full custody and child support that my X paid for years and years. Their info included a copy of the parental bill of rights that the court admired and followed. The outfit I contacted originated in Florida but now have offices all over. They worked very well for me and my kids.
I like your other one also. It is clean!

Dude thats a good song, like you said in that song it will get better, and you said you gotta keep your chin up, you got it going on now just keep writting songs like the second one, and like 300 said make some money and thank her later on. good luck you can do it. :thumbsup:
I just got around to listening to the second song. Wow!!!! Great song. I know nothing about the music bus., but you need to keep the rights to the song. It's a winner. Especially love the melody. Keep up the POSITIVE work. You will come out for the better in the long run. :thumbsup:
Here is my opinion, as you asked for, the sad thing here is that it appears that you actually have some talent. But I don't believe it shows through the multitude of vulgarities that are dropped every other word in the song. I understand you are very passionate about the subject and man I love an f bomb as much as the next guy in my music. But this is just way overboard to a point of being uncomfortable........heck it even looks as if you were a bit uncomfortable singing it at times. I mean this made 2 live crew look like the Partridge family.

I think if you put some of that energy and couple it with some toned down dialect, (but still with passion) you could produce a very popular song. You have talent but right now in my opinion it pales in comparison to the shock of so many filthy words.

But hey what do i know i just have approx 30,000 tracks in my library.

I just hope that i never have anyone hate me as much as you hate her. :)
Here is my opinion, as you asked for, the sad thing here is that it appears that you actually have some talent. But I don't believe it shows through the multitude of vulgarities that are dropped every other word in the song. I understand you are very passionate about the subject and man I love an f bomb as much as the next guy in my music. But this is just way overboard to a point of being uncomfortable........heck it even looks as if you were a bit uncomfortable singing it at times. I mean this made 2 live crew look like the Partridge family.

I think if you put some of that energy and couple it with some toned down dialect, (but still with passion) you could produce a very popular song. You have talent but right now in my opinion it pales in comparison to the shock of so many filthy words.

But hey what do i know i just have approx 30,000 tracks in my library.

I just hope that i never have anyone hate me as much as you hate her. :)

Nice critique!!!
If you want honesty heres a little slice take it for what it is just one persons opinion...

I understand people make mistakes and if you dont think this is one more power to you but I have a feeling in a few years your going to have a sick feeling in your stomach that this is out there on the net... just like the girl that lets her bf take naked pictures of her and finds out he posted them on here... you do realize that video may have been saved by her or her family or hell even someone that just never got along with you... could you imagine if you were going through custody battles in court and that song was played? Or even worst if some how it got into your kids hands at some point?

I understand you must of been very hurt to make something like that but please realize 2 wrongs dont make a right.... If I was you I would take it down hopefully before she sees it and saves it or worst !