Here is my opinion, as you asked for, the sad thing here is that it appears that you actually have some talent. But I don't believe it shows through the multitude of vulgarities that are dropped every other word in the song. I understand you are very passionate about the subject and man I love an f bomb as much as the next guy in my music. But this is just way overboard to a point of being uncomfortable........heck it even looks as if you were a bit uncomfortable singing it at times. I mean this made 2 live crew look like the Partridge family.
I think if you put some of that energy and couple it with some toned down dialect, (but still with passion) you could produce a very popular song. You have talent but right now in my opinion it pales in comparison to the shock of so many filthy words.
But hey what do i know i just have approx 30,000 tracks in my library.
I just hope that i never have anyone hate me as much as you hate her.