Spare Parts

I will set up a spreadsheet at home. Then I will make a new post that should be made into a pin up. I will put what information I need to put in the spreadsheet. As far as ability to get at the parts that is up to the owner of the part and the person needing the part. I just thought it would be nice to have one place to look and a point of contact. No need to centralize the parts just a list so we can put people together to get down times to a minimum.

I would ask that "Thinker62" please input your opinions as you are a stickler for details!

Marc "Howlin Mad"
I will set up a spreadsheet at home.  Then I will make a new post that should be made into a pin up.  I will put what information I need to put in the spreadsheet.  As far as ability to get at the parts that is up to the owner of the part and the person needing the part.  I just thought it would be nice to have one place to look and a point of contact.  No need to centralize the parts just a list so we can put people together to get down times to a minimum.  

I would ask that "Thinker62" please input your opinions as you are a stickler for details!

Marc "Howlin Mad"
Still not sure if you are slamming me or not. You need an Emotican to help with the message.

Anyway, at the risk of being repetitive, here is what I said above:

Instead, the primary organization (spreadsheet tabs) could have headings such as:
1. Windscreens
2. Seats
3. Fairing Components
4. Seat Cowls
5. Exhaust Components
6. Clothing
7. Helmets
8. Rims & Tires

Etc. then, each category could be sorted by price. Cheapest to most expensive.

Two more important questions:
how to decide who is eligible to participate? Clearly, one would have to be a bord member, but would we want additional restrictions such as post #'s or length of time as a member? Do we even care about this? I suppose we should if we are going to give away free stuff.

Third, how to kept the spreadsheet current? When someone buys something, either the buyer or the seller would need to do something inorder to update the spreadsheet.[/QUOTE]
Thinker62,  First off I am NOT slamming you.  You make valid points all the time.

I think eligibility should be decided by the owner of the part.  It is up to him whether he sells it or gives it away.  I just want a place where you can see what is available and who has it and how to contact them.



That way if someone goes down it is one stop shopping and they just have to contact the party with the part and work out a deal.

Marc "Howlin Mad"

Thinker so you don't think I am calling you stupid the "KISS" method is for me.
As the pessimist (or smart a$$) whichever one might prefer......I must add this. (Scenario) I just bought a Busa and crashed it with 1000 miles on it.........I have been a member of for a month now and feel I am deserving of this "crash fund". Should I get it.....what if my name is Mikeyusf and I have pissed a few people off......should I get it.........what if my name is Busahigg and I do dumba$$ wheelies in traffic and give bikers a bad name......should I get it?

What if I join just to get it?
As the pessimist (or smart a$$) whichever one might prefer......I must add this.  (Scenario) I just bought a Busa and crashed it with 1000 miles on it.........I have been a member of for a month now and feel I am deserving of this "crash fund".  Should I get it.....what if my name is Mikeyusf and I have pissed a few people off......should I get it.........what if my name is Busahigg and I do dumba$$ wheelies in traffic and give bikers a bad name......should I get it?  
Rubberside, you had the same B.S. rant about the Crash Fund.  You want to use common sense, but guess what?  <span style='color:orangered'>THERE ISN'T ANY LEFT...</span>
The folks here seem to have a pretty good dose, and Man it would be beautiful world if Commom Sense would prevail, but like it or not, once you step outside there is no such thing.
 Politics, the legal system, the Judicial System, Quebec,  
Foreign Policy, the Banking System, and on and on! There is No such thing as common sense being utilized today.
 To many special interests, to many rich, to many poor mad at the rich, to many folks with their own little worlds wrapped tightly across their eyes blinding them to even the slightest hint of reality.  

Look at America's latest entertainment offerings.  Survivor, Am. Idol, Who wants to be a Millionaire?  Christ, it's pathetic and a symptom of a culture and of a time period where the term Common Sense has been all but washed down the crapper.  

I don't know where the whole RACE thing came from,  Who gives a poop?  I mean I agree that this political correctness crap is out of hand but this site is about bikes, and being on bikes and the experiances and information we can share as folks who love bikes.  I do not see where your "racial names evolution through the generations" has any place here.  

 Lets stick to the bikes man, you seem to have alot of real good information and experiance, lets talk to that...lets stick to what we are here for and leave any hostilities/anger on the bench.    
My .02
I am done with this Idea! If any of you need anything from me. Email me and I will see what I can do for you. I only have a few parts and some are going on FatJaps bike. See you all in the twisties...

Marc "Howlin Mad"
Rubberside, you had the same B.S. rant about the Crash Fund.  You want to use common sense, but guess what?  <span style='color:orangered'>THERE ISN'T ANY LEFT...</span>
.....O.K. pal.....whatever you say...I'm done . As usual a persons thoughts get disected an' the wrong outcome is acheived . The racial thing was a forinstance .
But ya know what......I quit . I'm done .
This stuff is frustratin to me too, but I think that the board members can probably just continue posting when they need a hand and hopefully be able to scrape up whatever they need.
Not the best solution probably but at least we can still get the information/opinions/parts/advice we need.