Spare Parts

Rubberside, -->Monster,

Bro, It's not the idea thats frustrating to me, No. What's frustrating is the way the good ideas cannot get off the ground because of the logistics involved.  The Crash Fund, A parts listing, etc.  Trying to get them actually set up and try to set up some sort of "guidelines" or "rules" it gets all sticky and then collapses under it's own weight.  

Just sucks is all.  I would like to think that the simple straight up handshake approach could get it done but I just don't see it working for long before it would blow up on whomever is holding the keys.

But Just keeping a lookout for our fellow Busa Riders seems to work pretty well, Tree got lots of offered assistance, FatJap was well looked after etc.  So at least help can be had for members that step up and ask.
Everybody shut the hell up and donate some parts then.........I got stock cans to donate
fuggin eh...
I got a windscreen, turn sigs(rear) , taillite , grab bar ,tires(not new,but useable) ,stock cans, yadda yadda yadda....
Count me in for a Stock Windscreen as well.

Maybe we could get a new Uber Topic Called Parts Bin?

Everyone is responsible for their own post editing it as needed?