spinning wheels

Blah...always one hater...

You know if they made a high performance spinner you'd be all over them!!

I know I would...
It allways comes down to "Hatin"...

B.S. it comes down to some folks want to ride, some want to pose.  It's OK I guess but seriously, if you really want to ride why would you put some heavy overpriced bling on your bike instead of some Lightweight OZ , or Dymag wheels.  Something that would actually help, not mess up your rides handling.

 Everyone has their own sense of style for sure, but when "Style" takes on a more important role than function, I just find it plain ole' silly.  

To Each his own for sure...but it has nothing to do with "Hatin"
I can't say i agree with this line of thinking. It sugests that you have to make a choice between being a "rider" and a poser. Why can't you do both. I have put a lot poser stuff on my bike like chrome and speakers, yet I think I put 2500 or 3,000 miles on it in a couple of weeeks, and had plans to put another 2,000 on it next week, but that will probably be cancelled. I ride it fast, and I am getting pretty decent in the twisties. you can ride and look good at the same time!

Purhaps Rev wanted to say that you have to chose between being a serious racer-type rider, or an average rider/poser. The racer would be concerned with every ounce and every drop of HP. If you are drag racing, or putting your bike on the track, then of course you have a different philosophy. But I maintain that you CAN be a rider and poser at the sametime. There is a lot of middle ground there.

Ok the spinners are built by a couple different makers ranging from $3-7k. Mostly for posing, but he said they are "suppose" to be solid enough to do mid triple figures but he wouldn't suggest it because too much can go wrong based onthe way the spinners are attached to the wheel. Also that the spinners create a solid wheel dynamic that makes the front wheel harder to control at speed, and on windy days. Bottom line he sells them, but since he races he would never have them on his bike. However they are highly recommended for "posers" and if you want a pair he can probably get you a good deal on a set.

IMHO showbike bling that looks cool as heck, but based onthe degradation of control and stability, it may not be a good match for the world's fastest production motorcycle if you gonna run it like it needs to be run. My .02

Nice analysis...makes me think twice about the wheels. I ride hard enough to find this a little scary.
HA HA, Thinker your KIllIn Me Bro.  When I wrote this you know who I almost used as a prime example of the point you just offered up?  YOU.  I didn't invoke the Thinker card cause I
didn't want to involve anyone, But your ride is the perfect example of what is good out there in the mod world.  It's a heavily modified bike that hasn't had anything done to it that would negatively effect performance or safety.  This is really my point.  Knock yourselves out tricking out your ride, but please do not degrade it via Modifications.  LoBusa, MSF, Sleeper, SWAN, etc. are other good examples.  Modified, schweet lookin rides that still work as well or BETTER than stock, good stuff.

One caveat though, if you are trully just building a ride for "SHOW", for slow slipping down the BLVD, then the rules change, game on you know... hey Spinners, Ape Hanger Bars, and Highway Pegs could look cool then!!!

What I was trying to get out was that it's cool to Mod the Ever Lovin Heck outta your ride, just keep in mind that not all the mods made are going to have a positive impact on the bikes abilities.  Spinner wheels, Riding way Low, polished metal footpegs, single front disk, metal grips, etc. while they may look cool they negatively impact performance and they may decrease the riders ability to safely control their ride, especially in an emergancy.  

But then again...I cringe when I see 24s on a Hummer as well...So maybe my bottom line, NO BS point is... Mods are cool so long as they do not have a negative effect on the original design and intent of the thing.  Case and point, I love this nice set of 20" spinners on an S500 Benz running round Tampa...Looks cool, does no real harm...Go figure...

Gettin down
Point made. Most things have a trade-off.

For the bling effect, you might have to give up some performance.
For higher level performance you might have to give up some comfort.
For the most comfort, you might have to give up both performance and bling.

Everyone has to find the balance that fits thier desired outcome. I need more bling!
So We are talking about Balance in life and in all things...The Give and Take, Ying and Yang, and Force and the Darkside of the Force.  

 Never thought that it would apply so directly to bikes but here we are.  

  How are your Microns Holding up Thinker?  Lookin good? Still Happy with them?  I am thinking  I will being buying Microns myself here in a little while.  

So We are talking about Balance in life and in all things...The Give and Take, Ying and Yang, and Force and the Darkside of the Force.  

 Never thought that it would apply so directly to bikes but here we are.  

  How are your Microns Holding up Thinker?  Lookin good? Still Happy with them?  I am thinking  I will being buying Microns myself here in a little while.  

I still like them a lot...and the bling effect, priceless!

Actually the two things that get the most attention for me are the blue Laser Boltz LED's behind the screen in my Ram Air Scoops, and the stereo.
They look good, but for their price I'd rather get a turbo kit and just put a couple birthday spinny things on the wheels.:cool: