sprocket changes

I am pretty sure the front sprocket is only available in Steel. There is a boat load of force on the front sprocket. The rear is larger in Diameter and has less ft/lbs of force. Hardened 70XX series aluminum or better should hold up OK. Many people won't use anything less than steel rear sprockets to prevent fast wear. Aluminum has less rotational mass and also less unsprung weight. What is your preference? Less maintenance or more performance?

You should get a copy of the shop manual if you like to wrench on your own bike. They are really good. It will walk you through any level of repair up to a complete rebuild.
Sierra......I can't see the unmeasurable performance difference in an aluminum sprocket being worth the extra dough.

Tell me if I'm wrong.
Just did the 17/43 and wow! what a difference! Much more acelleration, easier to get rolling with 2 up, and just more fun
That crap between SleeperBusa and Rubbersidedown gave me a headache... Are you guys missing a couple of keys on your keyboard? Sounds like some key letters were missing in your words, or sentences, or whatever the hell they were. I had a hard time reading that Jive-Turkey, hooked on Ebonics country ass writing. Rubbersidedown, sounds to me like your extra-low gearing has pulled too many G's in your launches, and squeezed a few grammar brain cells. You guys need to cut out the hostile fire man. The war is overseas, not here. Doesn't matter what sprocket sizes you all are running. Do us all a favor, and use whatever your gearing is, and drag a few Al-Queda fuks with a rope around the neck down your country ass roads. As you would say..."Gots ta chill" man. You all sound like a bunch of Harley dudes, cutting on sportbikes. Either sell your Busa for a Buell, or cut the shenannigans... :super: :super:
I agree and I'm sorry!!

I was just giving "MY" opinion and he took it personally.
It was NOT meant that way, but nevertheless, it was taken that way.
I don't take kindly to people telling me to get fooked!
ESPECIALLY when I was trying to HELP.
Maybe it came across differently???
TYPE is often missunderstood. :type:
You guys are right about not seeing much in performance gains by lowering the sprocket weight by using aluminum sprockets. It may be un-noticable at street level. But in theory, lighter is better. A drag racer may get a 100th of a second better accelleration but is it worth the extra bucks for us? probably not.

I put on a pair of Galfer wave rotors on my front end. At slow speed there appears to be no difference caused by the 2.5 pound weight reduction. But at speed the steering feels quicker than it used to when above 100. It takes a little less effort to steer into the turn and get the bike over on its side. Not a lot but some.
Good info. I did the one down on the front thing (steel sprocket - sprocket specialists $25.00) and my "stock" bike really came alive. Feels much more like my GSX 1000 did - minus the wheelies! Best bang for the buck yet - in my opinion.
I swithched to a 16/43 combo...I like the pull...the 17/42 was good, but I like tearing things up and I'm having a hard time trying to wheelie 2nd w/o the clutch...that comes later for me...we'll see how I like the sprocket change:;):
oh, I was told by the service guy who does my maps to stay away from Sprocket specialists due to the fact he has ripped teeth off around the track...what do you guys think?
That crap between SleeperBusa and Rubbersidedown gave me a headache...  Are you guys missing a couple of keys on your keyboard?  Sounds like some key letters were missing in your words, or sentences, or whatever the hell they were.  I had a hard time reading that Jive-Turkey, hooked on Ebonics country ass writing.  Rubbersidedown, sounds to me like your extra-low gearing has pulled too many G's in your launches, and squeezed a few grammar brain cells.  You guys need to cut out the hostile fire man.  The war is overseas, not here.  Doesn't matter what sprocket sizes you all are running.  Do us all a favor, and use whatever your gearing is, and drag a few Al-Queda fuks with a rope around the neck down your country ass roads.     As you would say..."Gots ta chill" man.  You all sound like a bunch of Harley dudes, cutting on sportbikes.  Either sell your Busa for a Buell, or cut the shenannigans...    :super:  :super:
Damn Shmoo.. going off like they're from Crestview.. :biggrin: