Standing by the side of the road...


Never Forgotten
This is cell phone vides so the quality ain't so great, but it gives you a feeling of the activity on the Dragon Saturday.

Watch for our very own VMAM1300. I believe he is fifth in line in the group of R1 and R6s that start at the one minute mark...

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Nice vid.

I don't know what's sweeter, all of the bikes in that train, or the sounds in the video when there were so many bikes, there was a constant drone going. That was cool@
It was great to see you on Saturday. It really turned out to be a great day. And I didnt repeat my stator dragging episode from last weekend....

That was the R1-R6 lap to the overlook from the CROT. The crew from McCoys did an outstanding job getting LOTS of coverage from magazines...look for a few features soon.

Yamaha really steped up as a primary sponson providing over $5000.00 in prizes.

Are you listining Suzuki? I am sure you would love to have some great coverage as well.........
(vman1300 @ Jun. 19 2007,13:13) Are you listining Suzuki? I am sure you would love to have some great coverage as well.........
They're just waiting until they release the long awaited paint scheme and color combos for 2008...after that, I'm certain they'll be on board
(vman1300 @ Jun. 19 2007,13:13) It was great to see you on Saturday. It really turned out to be a great day. And I didnt repeat my stator dragging episode from last weekend....

That was the R1-R6 lap to the overlook from the CROT. The crew from McCoys did an outstanding job getting LOTS of coverage from magazines...look for a few features soon.

Yamaha really steped up as a primary sponson providing over $5000.00 in prizes.

Are you listining Suzuki? I am sure you would love to have some great coverage as well.........
It was great to see you sure looked like you were having fun. I noticed all the McCoy shirts. I assumed they were sponsoring.